The Friedrich Schiller University Jena annually awards scholarships, so called Landesgraduiertenstipendien, funded by the State of Thuringia. The funding period of these scholarships is three years, you can apply for an extension for one year. Further extensions are possible for child care, care for close relatives, in case of chronic diseases and disability. As of 2020, the scholarship is 1400,- EUR per month and (if applicable) extra payments for child care.
The Landesgraduiertenstipendien are announced once a year in summer. The scholarship is paid from the beginning of the following year. The number of scholarships granted varies from year to year - in recent years, it was about 10 -12 each year. From 2019 on, less scholarships may be given due to the extension of the funding period and the increase of the scholarship money.
You can find information about the application here.
The Friedrich Schiller University Jena provides financial support for international doctoral candidates in the time span between the opening and termination of the doctoral examination procedure. The scholarships are funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and cover maximum 1.000 € per month. Grants are awarded up to three months, with a possible extension of up to six months.
You can find information about the application here.
In order to make sure that doctoral projects can move from an advanced stage to completion, the University grants candidates special grants, which amount to € 1,400 per month. As a rule, these scholarships are granted for a maximum period of six months, but the period may be extended to up to 12 months in exceptional cases for substantial reasons. However, the overall period of the doctorate may not exceed 36 months including the period for which the special grant was paid (the period may be extended by 6 months in the case of Corona-related delays and by a further 6 months for doctoral researchers with children who had additional care needs during the Corona pandemic). This subsidy serves specifically to make it possible for candidates to hand in their dissertation. The application must contain a convincing work plan and must be confirmed by the supervisor.
You can find information about the application here.
The scholarships aim to support very good female postdoctoral researchers in developing their academic profile, and to specifically advance or re-boost their university careers. All scholarships support female postdocs on their academic career path by bridging transitional periods (for example, after the doctorate, between projects, or after a parental leave).
There are five different types of scholarships: Start-up scholarships, re-entry scholarships, hold-up scholarships, completion scholarships, and sabbaticals. These scholarships may be granted for a duration of between 6 months and 2 years, depending on the type of scholarship (for the application period 2024: applicants may apply for scholarships of up to 12 months duration, with the funding period ending no later than 31st December 2025). Successful applicants will be supported for their projects with a monthly stipend of €2,000 and family allowances, if applicable.
The scholarships are announced once a year. For further information, please click here.
The fellowship programme promotes the exchange and dialogue between researchers from abroad and researchers from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The programme is open to senior fellows and advanced postdocs who want to do research at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. All professors of the University can nominate potential fellows. Every year, approximately four senior fellowships and four postdoctoral fellowships are awarded. The fellowships are endowed with 4,600 € per month for postdoctoral fellows and 5,800 € per month for senior fellows. The funding period ranges from 4 weeks to 6 months (an extension to 12 months is possible).
The Welcome Point of the University is responsible for coordinating the University-wide advertisement of the programme. For further information, please click here.