Postdoc talks with her mentor

Mentoring Programmes of University of Jena

Overview of the mentoring programmes of Jena University
Postdoc talks with her mentor
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

The Friedrich Schiller University Jena offers different mentoring programmes for its young researchers: The Career Mentoring for STEM Doctoral Candidates supports these doctoral candidates in their orientation towards a career in business and society. The Rowena-Morse-Mentoring programme is aimed at female doctoral candidates and postdocs in the orientation phase, the mentoring programme within the university network Halle-Jena-Leipzig is aimed at advanced female postdocs.

Career Mentoring for STEM Doctoral Candidates

The programme "Career-Mentoring for STEM-doctoral candidates" seeks to support doctoral candidates in natural and life sciences preparing for a career in industry and society. They will receive individual mentoring by experienced people working in industry and society, who successfully built a career outside academia after their doctorate and are now willing to share their knowledge and experience. The mentoring programme was originally initiated by the Joachim Herz FoundationExternal link and is currently funded by the Thuringian Ministry of Education, Research and Culture.

Applications are open to German and international doctoral candidates from the STEM subjects at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, who are approaching a turning point in their professional careers. Applications are possible yearly in the beginning of May.

Information on the application can be found here.

Rowena Morse Mentoring Programme for female doctoral candidates and postdocs (up to 2 years after the doctorate​)

Are you a female doctoral candidate or postdoctoral researcher at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena? Are you currently in the planning phase of your individual career path? Are you interested in an exchange with an experienced professor and like-minded peers? Are you motivated to network with colleagues in the same career phase from your and other universities and to develop your personal profile? Then apply for the Rowena Morse Mentoring Programme!

The interdisciplinary programme supports female doctoral candidates in the final phase of their doctorates and postdoctoral researchers in the orientation phase in planning their career path. In addition to the placement of a mentor, specific workshops for further qualification are offered. Within the framework of peer mentoring, the mentees network with (young) scientists from other Thuringian universities and are accompanied in groups by experienced professors from the Thuringian universities. The programme runs for a total of 12 months and begins in November of each calendar year.

The programme is financed and coordinated by the Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerk GleichstellungExternal link. The basic concept was developed at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and further developed by the Mentoring Working Group of the Thuringian Equality Competence Network as a joint concept of Thuringia's universities.

The application deadline is in the mid of August each year. For more information, please click hereExternal link. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Bianka Dettmer at the Office of the Vice President for Early Career Researchers and Diversity Management.

Mentoring programme for advanced female postdocs of the university network Halle, Jena and Leipzig (at least 2 years after the doctorate​)

The mentoring programme for female postdoctoral researchers is an inter-university service provided by the universities of Halle-Wittenberg, Jena and Leipzig. The programme aims to enable these female researchers to access personal support from experienced mentors in acquiring the formal and informal knowledge, key competencies and professional contacts required for effective planning and pursuit of a career in science, and thereby help to integrate them sustainably in the higher education system.

It is targeted at highly-qualified female Postdocs, researchers undertaking a 'habilitation', junior scientist group leaders and junior professors in all disciplines at these universities who were awarded their doctorate at least 2 years ago and aspire to a professorship at a German university. Up to 24 new postdocs from the three participating universities can be included in the programme each year. The participation in the programme lasts for one year and can be extended for a second year upon request.

You can apply to participate in the programme at the end of the winter semester each year. For further information, please visit the website of the Mentoring Programme for female postdocsExternal link. If you have any questions or would like to apply to the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, please contact the Vice President for Young Researchers and Diversity Management (Annette Wagner-Baier).