Three adjacent dice that show the letters F, A and Q.

Frequently asked questions

... on online application, admission and enrolment
Three adjacent dice that show the letters F, A and Q.
Image: Uuganbayar/

If there is no answer to your question here, you are welcome to contact us via the Service Desk or during our consultation hours. Please see the contact details at the bottom of this page for more information.

General questions

  • How much are the tuition fees?

    The University of Jena does not charge any tuition fees. However, all students must pay a solidary contribution each semester.

  • Does the University of Jena provide any scholarships?

    The University of Jena awards the "Deutschlandstipendium" (which translates as Germany Scholarship). Students of all nationalities and from all programmes that are enrolled or will enrol for the upcoming funding period at the University of Jena are elligible to apply. The scholarship amount is 300€ per month and is, in general, granted for the duration of one year.

    For more information, please visit the Deutschlandstipendium webpage

  • Am I allowed to work alongside my studies?

    Yes, you are allowed to work alongside your studies. The Studierendenwerk student welfare helps you find numerous job offers for studentsExternal link.

    If you consider to study part-time, learn more about part-time studies and solutions for challenging life circumstancesExternal link.

  • Is it possible to contact the person responsible for my programme or fellow students before I apply or enrol?

    You are welcome to contact the academic advisor of the programme of your choice if you have any important subject-related questions. Of course, you can always exchange experiences with other students of the University of Jena, especially with students from your programme. 

    Please find the contact details on the page of the programme of your choice (use the degree finder and click on the programme) and on the page of the respective school

Proof of language skills

  • What language skills do I need?

    This varies depending on the course of study. Please check the information provided on the respective study programmeExternal link page.

  • What are the language certificates accepted by the University of Jena?

    The University of Jena accepts several German language certificates, e.g. DSH or TestDaF. The certificates which are recognised as English and other language proof differ depending on the course of study. Please check the information on the study programme pages or in the corresponding study regulations.

  • I received my English certificate TOEFL/ IELTS in 2013. Is the certificate still accepted?

    Unfortunately not as TOEFL and IELTS certificates are only valid for two years. You must present a current certificate when you apply, or at the latest when you enrol. However, Cambridge English Certificates are permanently valid.

  • I have a German certificate at level B1. Is this language level sufficient for admission to a German-taught master's programme?

    No, language skills at level B1 are not sufficient for studying a German-taught master's programme! You must have German language skills, e.g. minimum DSH-2-level and submit one of the following certificates:

    • DSH "Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang", min. level 2 (= DSH-2), 
    • TestDaF "Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache", 4x4 (= min. level 4 in each category), 
    • Goethe certificate level C2,
    • telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule (min. level "befriedigend"),
    • a German language examination in the framework of an assessment test at a preparatory college ("Feststellungsprüfung").
  • Can I get conditional admission to a German-taught master's programme?

    Conditional admissions for a German-taught master's programme might only be given in rare cases and only when there is a chance that you will be able to provide the mandatory language proficiency before the start of the semester you have applied for. To maintain that chance, you must provide a German proficiency at a very good B2 level (according to the Common European Reference Framework for LanguagesExternal link) and the final exam (cf. above) registration confirmation with a date that lies before the start of the master's studies applied for (1 April/1 October). The enrolment legislation of the University of Jena is very strict in this regard and ultimately all applications not meeting these prerequisites will not be successful.

    If you have not obtained the necessary language proficiency yet, you are welcome to apply again at a later stage, having improved your language skills.

Application procedure and documents

  • Which master's programmes are offered at the University of Jena and how do I apply?

    The University of Jena offers more than 70 master's programmesExternal link. To apply, please use the online application portal Friedolin 2.0. The application procedure is the same for all applicants i.e. both national and international applicants. Learn more about how to apply via Friedolin 2.0.

  • Can I apply for more than one master's programme?

    Yes, that is possible within the correct application period. Please note that each master's programme demands a separate online application. However, make sure that you fulfil the entry requirements before you apply!

  • When is the application for the master's programme due ?

    The application period for the summer semester starts on 1 December and ends on 15 January of the following year. Applications for the winter semester start on 1 April. However, the application deadlines vary according to the respective degree programme. Learn more about the application periods and deadlines.

  • The application period has already passed. Is it still possible to apply online?

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to apply once the application period has passed. Please apply for the next available intake.

  • Is the online application free of charge?

    Yes, the online application is free of charge for ALL applicants.

  • I tried to register, but received an error message. What should I do?

    After you received the welcome email you must confirm your email address by either clicking on the link provided in the welcome email or by entering the activation code. If it did not work, please do not register again! Instead, please send us a ticketExternal link with your personal data and a screenshot of the error message.

  • Do you offer any pre-evaluations? Am I eligible to apply for this programme?

    Out of several reasons, neither the Master Service Centre nor the Academic Admissions Boards do any pre-evaluations. Only upon reception of a valid online application, the respective admissions board will decide upon admission of a candidate. Please check the prerequisites for a specific master’s programme (both academic and language requirements!) before attempting an online application. If you feel qualified, we are looking forward to receiving your online application!

  • What application documents do I have to upload online?

    The required documents are listed in the section "Application documents" on the study information page of your desired master's programmeExternal link. Only PDF files are allowed and each file must not exceed a size of 5 MB.

  • My certificates are neither issued in German nor in English. Do I need to have them translated?

    Certificates which were not originally issued in German or English must be translated into German OR English. Such translations must be carried out by authorised/ sworn translators/ translation agencies. Attestations made by non-certified translators will not be accepted!

  • Are certified copies required for the online application?

    No, certified copies are not required. Simple scans of your documents are sufficient.

    Please only upload PDF files and scans of your application documents to our online application portal

  • Do I have to send my application documents in hard copies by post?

    No, paper documents are not required for the online application. Please upload all application documents as PDF files to the application portal.

  • What are the entry requirements?

    Each master's degree programme has different admission requirements. They are listed in the section "Admission requirements" on the respective study programme page.

  • I applied for a master's degree but I'm no longer interested in the place of study. Can I delete my application?

    You may withdraw your application. To do so, log in to the application portal and select "Withdraw application" of the corresponding submitted application.

  • I would like to register for the DSH preparation course. What do I have to do?

    All necessary information on the registration process for the DSH preparation course is provided on the official DSH course webpage. If you have any further questions, please contact the International Office at

  • Is my master's application also an application for the DSH preparation course?

    No, an application for a master's programme is not equivalent to an application for the DSH preparation course or vice versa. If you would like to apply for the DSH course, please visit the official webpage.

Processing of applications

  • My application is not complete and I'm supposed to upload missing documents in the portal. How does that work?

    In the portal, select option Withdraw and edit application. You can then upload the missing documents in the application component marked as incorrect. Please resubmit the application at the end of processing.

  • I used the edit function but still can't upload the requested document. What should I do?

    Please contact us via the service desk (see contact details).

  • I uploaded the missing document to the portal. However, the document is still displayed as a missing document. Why?

    After you have uploaded the document and resubmitted your application, your application status will not automatically change. Instead, the status will be edited manually by the Master Service Centre. For this purpose, your application must be checked again. Depending on the total number of received master's applications, this process may take some time. Therefore, we strongly recommend to submit a complete application from the start.

  • I applied for the fourth subject-related semester and my application was rejected. Why?

    The standard period of study of a master’s degree programme is two years (= four subject-related semesters). However, that does not mean that you are supposed to select the fourth subject-related semester during your online application. As a new student, you start your studies in the first subject-related semester. Since you do not fulfil the requirements to start your studies in the fourth subject-related semester, your application was rejected on formal grounds.

  • I submitted my application more than a month ago, but the application's status is still "Received". What does it mean?

    It means that your application hasn't been checked yet by the Master Service Centre. It might take several weeks until you receive an status update, especially during the application period for the winter intake. During this period, 9000 or more applications are expected. Please refrain from sending any inquiries regarding your application status!

Admission procedure

  • Who checks my professional qualification? The Master Service Centre?

    The Master Service Centre checks whether your online application is formally correct and complete. If that is the case, your application will be forwarded to the selection committee, which consists of respresentatives of the relevant department.

    The selection committee checks your eligibility based on all submitted application documents. To avoid delays in processing, please make sure that your application contains all the necessary documents.

  • My application was forwarded to the selection committee. When will I receive a response to my application from the committee?

    Please note that there are no deadlines by which the committee must have made a decision. This will be subject to the committee's individual timetable/ timeline. However, you will be notified by email about any changes to your application.

  • When will the admission result of my application be displayed in the portal? My request was closed and marked with "Done", but I still don't see any result in the portal.

    The request does not refer to your application, but to a message you send to the Master Service Centre (MSZ) via the Service Desk Portal. If the request has been answered, the status will be changed either by the MSZ or after two weeks of inactivity to "completed/done". You will then receive an automatically generated notification from the Campus Management Service. The notification informs you that the request you submitted has been completed or is "done".

  • How do I know if I've received a conditional offer?

    You received a conditional admission offer if the following applies:

    • page 1 of your admission letter says "Conditional admission"
    • the sentence is displayed (usually on page 2): "Please note: You have not met all of the entry requirements. Therefore, you are admitted on the following condition, subject to revocation:"
    • a condition is shown in bold letters
  • I received a conditional offer. What do I do now?

    Your admission letter will detail why you have been granted a conditional offer. A conditional offer might entail e.g. submitting a language certificate by the time of enrolment or having to complete a module during your master's studies or having to have completed your bachelor's degree with a specific final grade prior to the start of your master's studies.

  • Can I defer or postpone my admission? Does my admission also apply to the start of my studies in the next semester or one year later?

    Unfortunately, your admission to the master's programme is only valid for the respective semester for which you have applied. Your admission cannot be transferred to the following semester or year. Therefore, you must reapply the following year/semester. ​

  • I've been admitted, but I haven't received my original admission letter via regular mail. What do I do?

    Admission letters are not send via regular mail. To view and download your admission letter, please log in to the portal. You find your admission letter in your inbox. The admission letter contains a verification number which allows you to verify the authenticity of the document for up to 6 months.

  • My application was rejected, but I didn't receive a rejection letter. Why?

    Please note that processing and issuing rejection letters take some time, especially during the application period for the winter. During this time, we receive thousands of applications and lots of tickets which must be processed/answered also. We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Enrolment preparations

  • Do I have to apply for enrolment in the application portal?

    You are currently enrolled at the University of Jena and have been admitted to a master's programme:
    No, you need NOT apply for enrolment in the online application portal. You are subject to a simplified enrolment process. Learn more about how to enrol to your master's programme.

    You are NOT currently enrolled at the University of Jena and have been admitted to a master's programme:
    Yes, please click on "Apply for enrolment" in the online application portal within the specified deadline. Learn more about how to enrol to your master's programme.

  • What is the application procedure?

    As soon as you have accepted the offer in the online application portal, you can start your enrolment preparations. To find out whether you need to apply for enrolment online, please read the answer to the above question, "Do I have to apply for enrolment in the application portal?".

    For more information on which documents you have to submit in paper, please visit our Enrolment information page and use the selection box in the Prepare your enrolment documents section.

    Submit the documents required for enrolment by post to the Master Service Centre. We will check whether your documents are complete and may ask you to submit further documents. As soon as your documents are complete, we will forward your file to the Student Service Centre or the International Office. They will finalise your enrolment process, after which you will receive your student ID card (Thoska) as well as your log in to access the Friedolin student portal and the University Computer Centre.

  • Am I automatically enrolled if I am admitted to a master's programme?

    No, admission to a master's programme does not mean that you have been enrolled. First, you need to accept your study place in the portal by the specified deadline. The deadline is displayed in the portal and also in your admission letter. After that, further steps need to be taken in order to enrol. Please see the answers to the two questions above for further information.

  • I've submitted documents for my enrolment preparations already. Can you confirm the reception?

    Your application status will change to "Application for enrolment in process", once we've received your paper documents. Please note that processing your documents may take some time. 

    You will be notified again,

    • if your enrolment preparations are completed and your application file was forwarded OR 
    • if documents are missing. In this case, you must submit them within a specified deadline in order for us to prepare your enrolment successfully. You also receive a letter about the missing documents in your portal inbox.
  • I've sent you the documents for my enrolment preparations and received a message that my file has been forwarded. However, there is still an info box in the portal about missing documents. Why?

    The info box informing you about missing documents is displayed in the status "Application for enrolment in process", regardless of whether you've already sent documents or not. The info box only disappears when your status changes to "Enrolled". Only then your whole enrolment process is completed.


  • Do I need an entry visa?

    Please check the FAQ page of the International Office of the University of Jena if you need an entry visa.

  • I have received an approval but will not get my visa in time. What do I do?

    Your admission is only valid for the semester for which you have applied. Unfortunately, a deferral is not possible. Therefore, your only option is to reapply during the next possible application period. The online application process does not change. Please note that you do not have to register again and may use the already existing login data. Please add the admission letter you have received during the current admissions procedure to the documents for your future application.

  • Where can I find information on student finance specifically for international students?

    You can find a detailed breakdown of costs per month in the study guidepdf, 13 mb · de.

    Learn more about jobs, scholarships and student loans on the information pages provided by the International Office.

  • How do I apply for a hall of residence place?

    Please submit your application for accommodation in one of our halls of residence to the  Studierendenwerk ThüringenExternal link student welfare organisation. Please note that places are limited and demand is high. It is recommended to apply as early as possible.

For more information about the steps to be taken by international students before and upon their arrival, please go to the page of the International Office.


Master Service Centre

Office hours:
Telephone consultation:
Tuesday - Thursday
10 am - 11 am

Personal consultation:
Tuesday - Thursday
2 pm - 3 pm

Live chat:
mondays and fridays
10 am - 12 noon

Ticket enquiries via Service Desk at:

Postal address:
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Master Service Centre (MSZ)
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena

Video chat: To the video chat – Zoom Videochat ZeitenTuesday - Thursday
3:15 pm - 4 pm
Password Master Data protection informationpdf, 101 kb