Indian student Sameer Khatri receives the DAAD Prize 2024.

Jena is a cosmopolitan city

Master's student Sameer Khatri receives this year's DAAD Prize for International Students at the University of Jena
Indian student Sameer Khatri receives the DAAD Prize 2024.
Image: Nicole Nerger/Universität Jena
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  • Awards and Personnel

Published: | By: Irena Walinda

This year, the University of Jena is awarding the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) prize for outstanding achievements by international students at German institutions of higher education to Sameer Khatri. In addition to his above-average academic achievements, it was above all the 25-year-old's wide-ranging commitment that convinced the selection committee. He organises welcome events and supports new students starting their studies in Jena.

Khatri deliberately chose to study in Germany at the Friedrich Schiller University, which is steeped in tradition, because of the excellent and well-established educational and research opportunities here. For him, Jena is "an international, truly cosmopolitan city where many cultures come together". That is the reason why he feels at home here.

Start was a rollercoaster ride

At the beginning of his studies, however, everything was new to him and many events came thick and fast, like a "rollercoaster ride". Khatri knows what it feels like to arrive in a foreign country as an international student. That's why he supported other international students with their start in Jena. As an "International Scout" of the student services organisation, he organised country evenings in the Café International in the "Haus auf der Mauer" and also helped individual students with their start at university. Intercultural events are important to Khatri because he is convinced that exchanging personal experiences is the first step towards making friends and arriving in a new city.

Sameer Khatri was born in Mumbai (India) in 1999 and, after completing a Bachelor of Science with zoology as his major subject, decided for a master's programme in Jena, which he began in the winter semester of 2022/23. Khatri is now in his fifth semesters enrolled in the English-taught Master of Science Evolution Ecology and Systematics degree programme at the Faculty of Biological Sciences and is particularly interested in the topics of environmental management, biodiversity and climate change.

The Indian student would like to pursue an academic career and go into research. For his exemplary commitment alongside his studies and his outstanding achievements, Khatri will be presented with the DAAD Prize, endowed with 1,000 euros, on 24 October at the Volkshaus in Jena as part of the university's ceremonial matriculation for new students.


Sameer Khatri in a video interview can be seen here on YouTubeExternal link.


Britta Salheiser, Dr
Internationales Büro
Britta Salheiser
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
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Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link