Due to the current budget situation, it is not yet possible to advertise or apply for the travel grant for 2025.
Travel grant of the Equal Opportunities Office
Travel grant for female students
The Equal Opportunities Office awards scholarships in the form of one-time travel grants and conference fees to female students in undergraduate programs at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena. The aim of the travel grant is to strengthen equal opportunities in higher education through targeted and individual support of talented female students and to increase the proportion of women in science and research. To this end the initial scientific exchange is to be initiated or intensificated and the increase of the academic visibility of female students at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena is to be supported.
The support will be provided through a one-time grant of up to 250 euros to enable the participation in scientific events with an own expert contribution or the participation in events that serve to increase the scientific qualification. The number of scholarships depends on the funds available annually.
The female applicants should not only be high-performing in their field of study, but also socially committed. Personal circumstances that make it difficult to pursue a specific interest in science and research are also taken into account. A prerequisite for the award of the travel grant is that the student is regularly enrolled at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena.
Please submit the following documents to us for the travel grant application:
- Personal information formpdf, 288 kb
- Enrollment certificate of the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena
- Short letter of motivation (study motivation and interests, professional plans)
- Curriculum vitae in table form
- Proof of academic performance
- Positive statement from one of your university professors
For further inquiries, please contact the Equal Opportunities Office.
We look forward to receiving your documents and the opportunity to assist you with your project.
for female students
Travel grants
Travel grants of the Equal Opportunity Office
The Equal Opportunity Office awards scholarships in the form of grants for travel expenses and conference fees to outstanding female students at Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena.
Travel grant of the Thuringian Competence Network For Gender Equality (TKG)
Female students at Thuringian universities should be given the opportunity to get involved in career networks at an early stage. For this reason, the Thuringian Competence Network for Gender Equality (TKG) set up a funding pot. You can apply for travel grants of this funding pot for active participation in symposia, summer schools and comparable events. The fund may be used for travel expenses using public transportation and participation fees. Further information on the application criteria can be obtained from the Equal Opportunities Office at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena or in the program announcementExternal link in german language.
for female PhD students
Mentoring Program
Female doctoral and postdoctoral researchers at Thuringian universities who are interested in the seventh cohort 2024/2025 may look into the conditions of the mentoring programme from April 2024 onwards. Applications for the programme are possible from May to August of each year. The selection process takes place at the respective university. Further information on the application process can be found hereExternal link. The seventh cohort will start in November 2024.
The Rowena Morse Mentoring Program (RMMP) of the Thuringian universities is a support program for young scientists and artists at the universities in the Free State of Thuringia. The program is named after Rowena Morse, who was the first woman to successfully complete her doctorate in Thuringia in 1904. The mentoring program accompanies interdisciplinary doctoral students in the final phase of their doctorate and postdocs in the orientation phase on their individual career paths. In addition to the placement of mentors, specific workshops are offered for further qualification. In the context of peer mentoring, the mentees network with (young) scientists from other Thuringian universities and are accompanied in group mentoring sessions by experienced professors from Thuringian universities.
The program is financed by the Thuringian Competence Network for Gender Equality (TKG). The basic concept was developed at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and further developed in the Mentoring Working Group of the Thuringian Competence Network for Gender Equality as a joint concept of the Thuringian universities.
FSU scholarship
State Graduate Scholarship
The Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena awards doctoral scholarships each year which are financed with the help of funds of the Federal State of Thuringia. The standard duration of the programme is is three years, however, a one year extension can be applied for. Further extensions due to special curcumstances such as childcare or care for relatives as well as chronic illness and disability are possible. The scholarship entails 1,400€ per month (plus family supplements if applicable).
State graduate scholarships are open for applications once a year starting in the middle of the summer semester. The earliest possible start of the funding periot is January 1st of the following year. The number of scholarships varies annually - in recent years, approximately 10-12 scholarships have been awarded per year. Due to the extension of the funding period and the increase of the scholarship, a lower number of awarded scholarships is expected from 2019 onwards.
Further information as well as the legal framework for the awarding can be found on the university's own website on doctoral scholarships de and in the Thuringian State Graduate Funding Ordinance.External link
for female post-docs
Mentoring Programs
Female doctoral and postdoctoral researchers at Thuringian universities who are interested in the seventh cohort 2024/2025 may look into the conditions of the mentoring programme from April 2024 onwards. Applications for the programme are possible from May to August of each year. The selection process takes place at the respective university. Further information on the application process can be found hereExternal link. The seventh cohort will start in November 2024.
The Rowena Morse Mentoring Program (RMMP) of the Thuringian universities is a support program for young scientists and artists at the universities in the Free State of Thuringia. The program is named after Rowena Morse, who was the first woman to successfully complete her doctorate in Thuringia in 1904. The mentoring program accompanies interdisciplinary doctoral students in the final phase of their doctorate and postdocs in the orientation phase on their individual career paths. In addition to the placement of mentors, specific workshops are offered for further qualification. In the context of peer mentoring, the mentees network with (young) scientists from other Thuringian universities and are accompanied in group mentoring sessions by experienced professors from Thuringian universities.
The program is financed by the Thuringian Competence Network for Gender Equality (TKG). The basic concept was developed at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and further developed in the Mentoring Working Group of the Thuringian Competence Network for Gender Equality as a joint concept of the Thuringian universities.
Mentoring Program of the University
The mentoring program for female postdocs is a cross-university offer of the universities of Halle-Wittenberg, Jena and Leipzig.
It is aimed at highly qualified female postdocs, habilitation candidates, junior research group leaders and junior professors from all disciplines at these universities whose doctorate was awarded at least 2 years ago and who are aiming for a professorship in the german science system. The goal of the program is to provide these female scientists with personal support from experienced mentors, with the necessary formal and informal knowledge, key skills, and professional contacts to effectively plan and pursue an academic career and thus integrate them into the university system in a sustainable manner.
You may submit an application to take part in the programme by the end of the Winter semester each year. The application phase is announced at each of the three universities.
For more information on the program, click here.External linkde.
Scholarships of the University of Jena
FSU-Scholarships for Female Postdoc
In the course of their scientific careers, women in particular often find themselves in situations "inbetween" projects, "after" a parental leave, or "before" their transition to the next career phase. The COVID-19 pandemic has also caused delays and interruptions in the career paths of many female researchers and inflicted additional stress on women in science due to family care responsibilities and lockdown restrictions.
With the start of the new year 2021, the University of Jena once more announces scholarships for female postdoctoral researchers. These scholarships may be granted for a duration of six months to two years at maximum, depending on the type of scholarship. The programme aims to support very successful female postdoctoral researchers in their scientific profile building and to specifically advance or re-boost their university careers. All scholarships support female postdocs on their scientific career path by bridging transitional periods.
These include:
- Career advancement Scholarships
- Career re-entry Scholarships
- Transitional scholarships
- Finalization scholarships
- Sabbatical leave scholarships
Further information can be found on the webpage of the Academic Career Center. A call for applications for 2024 is not yet available.
for research with gender focus
Award for final theses of students with a focus on gender issues
"Diversity Meets Science" Award Ceremony of the Thuringian Competence Network for Gender Equality
As part of the kick-off and closing event of the Rowena Morse Mentoring Program, the Thuringian Competence Network for Gender Equality (TKG) awards the annual €2,000 "Diversity Meets Science" prize. It was established to award outstanding theses with a focus on issues related to gender and diversity. This year's call for applications will be published here External linkfrom August 2024.
for female students
Monetary support
Some scholarships are aimed directly at women in order to provide opportunities for women in science and academia. These range from one-time scholarships and travel grants to long-term support, often without the neccesity of above-average performance. More information can be found here: scholarship database with gender equality relevance.
Scholarship subsidies
Those who already receive a scholarship also have the opportunity to claim special subsidies for reasons such as childcare or the medicale care of family members. More information can be found here: child and family subsidies.External link
Competitions and Awards
Some competitions and awards are specifically aimed at women, especially in the STEM field. Here, it is worthwhile to conduct a subject-specific search and take a look at the scholarship database with the help of the additional filter "awards for women". More information can be found here: scholarship databases with gender equality relevance.
Non-monetary support
Networks and mentoring programs
Networks help broaden one's immediate horizons and establish important connections in the academic environment at an early age. There are some networks that are particularly committed to the networking of women.
- The German Academic Women's Association offers women the chance to get involved in various networks. More information can be found on their websiteExternal link.
- The Thuringian Coordination Office (ThüKo) for Science and Technology is aimed at female students who want to network in the STEM field. More information can be found on their websiteExternal link.
- The Contact Point Women in EU Research offers information and advice on funding opportunities for women in the field of EU research. More information can be found hereExternal link.
for female PhD students
Monetary support
Some scholarships are aimed directly at women in order to provide opportunities for women in science and academia. These range from one-time scholarships and travel grants to long-term support, often without the neccesity of above-average performance. More information can be found here: scholarship database with gender equality relevance.
Scholarship subsidies
Those who already receive a scholarship also have the opportunity to claim special subsidies for reasons such as childcare or the medicale care of family members. More information can be found here: child and family subsidies.External link
Competitions and Awards
Some competitions and awards are specifically aimed at women, especially in the STEM field. Here, it is worthwhile to conduct a subject-specific search and take a look at the scholarship database with the help of the additional filter "awards for women". More information can be found here: scholarship databases with gender equality relevance.
Non-monetary support
Networks and mentoring programs
Networks help broaden one's immediate horizons and establish important connections in the academic environment at an early age. There are some networks that are particularly committed to the networking of women.
- The German Academic Women's Association offers women the chance to get involved in various networks. More information can be found on their websiteExternal link.
- The Thuringian Coordination Office (ThüKo) for Science and Technology is aimed at female students who want to network in the STEM field. More information can be found on their websiteExternal link.
- The Contact Point Women in EU Research offers information and advice on funding opportunities for women in the field of EU research. More information can be found hereExternal link
for female post-docs
Monetary support
Some scholarships are aimed directly at women in order to provide opportunities for women in science and academia. These range from one-time scholarships and travel grants to long-term support, often without the neccesity of above-average performance. More information can be found here: scholarship database with gender equality relevance.
Scholarship subsidies
Those who already receive a scholarship also have the opportunity to claim special subsidies for reasons such as childcare or the medicale care of family members. More information can be found here: child and family subsidies.External link
Competitions and Awards
Some competitions and awards are specifically aimed at women, especially in the STEM field. Here, it is worthwhile to conduct a subject-specific search and take a look at the scholarship database with the help of the additional filter "awards for women". More information can be found here: scholarship databases with gender equality relevance.
Non-monetary support
Networks and mentoring programs
Networks help broaden one's immediate horizons and establish important connections in the academic environment at an early age. There are some networks that are particularly committed to the networking of women.
- The German Academic Women's Association offers women the chance to get involved in various networks. More information can be found on their websiteExternal link.
- The Thuringian Coordination Office (ThüKo) for Science and Technology is aimed at female students who want to network in the STEM field. More information can be found on their websiteExternal link.
- The Contact Point Women in EU Research offers information and advice on funding opportunities for women in the field of EU research. More information can be found hereExternal link
Promotion of women in management positions
Women in leadership positions also have access to separate programs dedicated to support and networking.
- The Helga Stödter Foundation is committed to promoting women into leadership positions and offers individual counseling. You may find further information hereExternal link.
- The Cusanuswerk offers support and networking opportunities in addition to the standard scholarships offered by the organizations for the promotion of gifted students. You can find more information hereExternal link.
Guest Professorships for female Scientists
Visiting professorships for female scientists serve to promote female careers within the framework of university teaching. You may find some examples listed below:
- Dorothea Erxleben Guest ProfessorshipExternal link in Magdeburg
- TEA programExternal link in Tübingen
- Guest ProfessorshipExternal link in Erlangen-Nürnberg
for gender-focused research
Guest Professorship with a gender focus
Visiting professorships for scholars serve to promote gender-based research and teaching. You may find some examples below:
- Aigner-Rollett guest professorshipExternal link for Gender Studies in Graz (Austria)
- Klara Marie Faßbinder guest professorshipExternal link for Gender Studies in Rhineland-Palatinate
- for female students
- for femal PhD students
- for female post-doctoral students