Aspects of Sex and Gender

Gender in Focus

Sustainable structures for the consideration of sex and gender aspects in research
Aspects of Sex and Gender
Image: AI-generated

The project ‘Gender in Focus - Establishing sustainable structures for the systematic consideration of sex and gender aspects in research at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena’ is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the funding code 01FP23G11. Within the framework of the directive 'Gender Aspects in Focus'External link the project ist funded for five years (2024-2029).

Focus on gender aspects

The importance of biological sex and socio-cultural gender for a sustainable improvement in the quality of research results is increasingly being recognised in the sciences. Insufficient consideration of these aspects can lead to research results being distorted or certain groups not being adequately represented. This applies not only to the selection of study groups, but also to the interpretation of results and the development of solutions that are relevant to society as a whole.

A key challenge is that many researchers do not have the aspects of sex and gender in mind from the outset and are unable to integrate them into their research. They often lack the knowledge or methods to correctly recognise and analyse the possible relevance of sex and gender for their own research question. In addition, stereotypical assumptions about the relevance or non-relevance of gender aspects can have an unconscious influence on scientific questions and methods. These factors mean that research results do not always reflect the diversity of the sexes and their diverse realities.


Project Goals

  • Sensitisation, Consulting and Support

    This is where the BMBF funded project ‘Gender in Focus’ comes in. Through targeted measures, we want to contribute to the sustainable integration of aspects of sex and gender into the university research structure.

    We offer workshops and training courses that support researchers in recognising and taking into account gender-specific aspects in their work. These events not only impart theoretical knowledge, but also demonstrate very specific, practical methods of how sex and gender can be incorporated into research projects.

    The participating institutions are also available to advise researchers. Whether in the planning of new research projects or in ongoing projects - we offer individual support to ensure that gender-sensitive approaches are considered from the outset.

    In order to achieve comprehensive and sustainable change, we are working together with all stakeholders in research in a university-wide network. The consideration of sex and gender is to be anchored in a guideline and recognised as a central dimension of scientific excellence. In this way, we want to create an environment that promotes and structurally supports gender-sensitive research.

  • Areas of Action


    The University of Jena identifies with the objective of systematically taking gender aspects into account across the entire spectrum of research and is developing a corresponding guideline in a discussion process.


    The topic of gender aspects in research is publicised with central information events and an information portal at the University of Jena. Experienced scientists with outstanding expertise act as exemplary ambassadors for 'Gender in Focus' and inspire, motivate and advise other scientists. Specific sensitisation and counselling skills are also promoted among employees of the research-supporting institutions in training courses and seminars. 

    The awarding of special prizes for gender-sensitive research work, various networking and transfer activities as well as target group-orientated awareness-raising materials help to impart basic knowledge and information on the subject.  


    Topic-specific training and advisory services are provided, which benefit from the expertise and competence of 'Gender in Focus' experts who are networked in a pool. The information portal also contains additional support materials such as tutorials, webinars and counselling contacts.

    Two special funds for early career researchers and established researchers provide resources for the promotion of gender aspects.

Project Structure

  • Messengers

    The Gender in Focus messengers actively support the project. Based on their own sex and gender-sensitive research, they inspire, motivate and advise other scientists and contribute to strengthening acceptance and support for the project goals via the profile areas.

    LIGHT Profile

    LIFE Profile

    LIBERTY Profile

  • Steering Group

    The coordination office is supported in the implementation of the project by a steering group made up of representatives from research-supporting institutions at the University of Jena. Among other things, they ensure that the various target groups in research are addressed appropriately and in a needs-orientated manner.

  • External Advisory Board

    The work of the project is also supported by an external advisory board made up of representatives from science, business and society. The additional expertise of the advisory board members integrates diverse perspectives into the project implementation, promotes the transfer of project results and strengthens non-university networking.

    • Dr. Rosalind Cavaghan, Emma Goldman Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, Member of the Coreteam at GENDER.ED
    • Dr.-Ing. Claudia Eggert, Federal Office for Materials Research and Testing
    • Arlett Hesse, Head of the division Corporate Human Resources (CHR) Deutschland at ZEISS
    • Dr. Dirk Keiner, Chief Pharmacist at the Sophien- und Hufeland-Klinikum in Weimar
    • Prof. Marie von Lilienfeld-Toal, Director of the Institute for Diversity Medicine at the University of Bochum
    • Louisa Reichstetter, Content-Strategist/Business Development at ICO-LUX GmbH, Co-Founder of the consultancy firm Frauen.Macht.Führung
    • Dr. Clemens Striebing: Center for Responsible Research and Innovation at Fraunhofer IAO in Berlin
    • Elke Winter, Gender Equality Officer at the Thuringian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Rural Areas

Coordination Centre 'Gender in Focus'

  1. Bornmüller, Falk, Dr Project Coordinator Vice-President for Research and Innovation
  2. George, Jana, Dr Project Staff Member Vice-President for Research and Innovation
  • Assistants
    • Isabelle Ahner - Scientific Assistant
    • Maya Köthe - Scientific Assistant
    • Calin Serban - Scientific Assistant

BMBF Funding Notice

Image: BMBF