§ 1
The association of friends and patrons of the Thuringian State University shall be named ‘Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena e. V.’ (in English: ‘Association of Friends and Patrons of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena’).
The registered seat of the Association shall be Jena.
§ 2
The purpose of the Association shall be the promotion of science, culture, and of professional education including student support.
To that end, the Association shall particularly support teaching and research at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, foster the relationship between science and practice, and promote the expansion of the University’s national and international relations.
The purposes of the statutes shall be fulfilled in particular by
- the financial support of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena for the non-material and material promotion of research and teaching,
- the promotion of students and young researchers at the University through prizes and scholarships,
- the promotion of international exchange of students and scientists,
- the support of students in particular hardship and emergency situations,
- the promotion of cultural activities at the University,
- the promotion of exchange between science, industry and society,
- the cultivation and promotion of ties between the University and its members, alumni and sponsors as well as with its partner institutions of higher education.
The Association shall aim at enriching the ever-changing community of teachers and students through cooperating continuity across generations, and at promoting the cultural academic life.
The Association shall exclusively and immediately pursue public-benefit purposes within the meaning of the chapter ‘Tax-privileged purposes’ of the German Fiscal Code (Abgabenordnung). The activities of the Association shall be altruistic and not primarily serve the Association’s own economic purposes.
§ 3
The funds necessary shall come from:
- membership fees,
- donations, gifts, endowments,
- and other contributions.
The funds of the Association may only be used for the purposes set out in the Statutes.
Members may not receive any allocations from the funds of the Association. The Association may not provide a benefit for any person by means of expenditure unrelated to the purpose of the Association or disproportionately high remunerations.
§ 4
Any natural person, legal person, or association of individuals may become a member by submitting a written membership declaration, which shall be subject to acceptance by the Board of the Association. The Members’ Meeting may appoint honorary members upon the Board’s proposal.
§ 5
Membership shall terminate upon death, dissolution, or notice of resignation, which shall become effective after the end of the financial year.
A member may be expelled by decision of the Administrative Board for conduct seriously hurting the Association’s interests or reputation.
The member may appeal to the Members’ Meeting against this decision; the Member’s Meeting shall ultimately decide on the matter by a majority of two thirds of the votes cast.
§ 6
The amount of the membership fee shall be at each member’s discretion.
The Administrative Board shall lay down the minimum contribution.
§ 7
The Association shall have the following organs:
- the Board,
- the Administrative Board,
- the Members’ Meeting.
§ 8
The Board shall consist of:
- the Honorary Chair,
- the Executive Chair of the Board,
- the Treasurer,
- the Secretary,
- a member of the University’s teaching staff,
- the current President/ Rector of the University,
- the University’s Head of Administration.
On a proposal from the Board, the Administrative Board shall elect the Honorary Chair; the Executive Chair of the Board, the Treasurer, the Secretary, and the lecturer of the University shall be elected by the Members’ Meeting.
The term of office of Board members elected by the Members’ Meeting shall be four years and shall expire with the election of a new Board.
Where a vacancy on the Board occurs before the term of office of a member has expired, the Board shall co-opt a member of the Association for the period remaining until the next Members’ Meeting and allocate the tasks.
§ 9
The Board shall manage the Association’s businesses and assets.
It shall be responsible for issuing publications. A Board meeting shall have a quorum when at least four members are present.
Decisions shall be made by a majority vote of the members present.
Minutes of each meeting shall be kept; and they shall be signed by the Executive Chair.
§ 10
The Association shall be represented by the Board in all matters, judicially and otherwise. Any two members of the Board shall be jointly authorized to represent the Association.
§ 11
The Administrative Board shall be comprised of no more than 15 members. They shall be elected for a term of four years based on nominations made by the Board. The Mayor of Jena shall be a member of the Administrative Board.
The Administrative Board shall elect a Chair and two Vice-Chairs from among its members. Where a vacancy on the Administrative Board occurs before the term of office of a member has expired, the Administrative Board shall co-opt a member of the Association for the remaining term of office.
§ 12
The Administrative Board shall deliberate and decide on important matters concerning the Association. It shall exercise the rights and fulfil the duties assigned to it by these Statutes.
The Administrative Board shall deliberate and decide on matters of particular importance in compliance with the guidelines of the Members’ Meeting and at the request of the Board of the Association.
The Administrative Board shall meet when necessary, but twice a year at least. The Chair of the Administrative Board shall call for the meeting.
The Administrative Board shall have a quorum when at least half of its members are present, and it shall decide by simple majority of the votes cast.
The University’s Head of Administration and one other member of the Board shall participate in the Administrative Board's meetings in an advisory capacity.
§ 13
The Members’ Meeting shall be held annually. It shall be convened with four weeks notice. Such notice shall contain the meeting agenda. The meeting shall be presided by the Executive Chair of the Board.
The Board may convene an extraordinary Members’ Meeting. It is required to do so upon request made by at least 30 members or by the Administrative Board, and such request including the agenda.
§ 14
The tasks of the Members’ Meeting comprise:
- receipt of reports from the Board and the Administrative Board,
- approval of the actions of the Board and the Administrative Board,
- elections according to the statutes,
- receipt of and discussion on motions and suggestions brought forward by the members.
§ 15
For the purposes of voting and electing, a simple majority of votes cast by those members present shall be required.
In the event of a tie, the Executive Chair shall reopen the debate on the matter.
In the event of a tie in elections, the decision shall be made by lot.
Decisions about amendments to the statutes shall require a two-thirds vote.
Minutes of each Members’ Meeting shall be kept, and they shall be signed by the Executive Chair.
§ 16
The Association’s financial year shall be the calendar year.
§ 17
A decision to dissolve the Association may only be made during a Members’ Meeting, with at least two thirds (2/3) of all members of the Association present and at least three quarters (3/4) of them voting in favour of the dissolution.
In the event of dissolution of the Association or in the event that the previous purposes of the Association shall cease to exist, its assets shall be transferred corporate assets of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The assets shall be used exclusively for public-benefit purposes.
Enacted in the inaugural meeting on 26 April 1991, last amended on 25 June 1999.