Dear lecturers,
The Corona pandemic has also brought about many challenges for teaching at our University. We would like to continue providing you with the best possible support in preparing and organizing your teaching. Therefore, we have compiled the most important information about teaching, which may be helpful for you, on this page.
The pandemic is a dynamic situation,which may require future adjustments to teaching at short notice. You can find information on such changes in the central FAQ on the coronavirus on the homepage of the University, in circulars of the Executive Board, and on this website.
last update on 14 October 2022 – Questions 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
1. How is teaching to be offered in the winter semester 2022?
Courses in the winter semester will be held predominantly face-to-face, digital teaching and learning formats will be used where they enrich teaching and make didactic sense.
The semester datesExternal link, including the lecture-free period at the turn of the year (19.12. to 30.12.2022), remain unchanged.
2. What should be considered when carrying out face-to-face courses?
There are currently no restrictions on access to the buildings and rooms of the university. Please note any different regulations in the Faculty of Medicine.
For the time being, masks are not mandatory at Friedrich Schiller University. However, it is still strongly recommended to wear a qualified mouth-nose protection (medical/FFP2 mask) inside the university – especially in larger groups and if the minimum distance of 1.5 metres cannot be maintained.
Should the infection situation make it necessary, the Corona rules in force at the university will be adapted.
Pay attention to hygiene (e.g., cough and sneeze etiquette) and use the federal government's Corona-Warn-AppExternal link. If this is used by everyone, it is a very effective tool for breaking chains of infection at an early stage. Contact tracking via QRonitonExternal link will be suspended from 20 March until further notice.
In rooms without mechanical ventilation, regular manual ventilation remains mandatory.
Please observe the framework hygiene plan of the University of JenaExternal link (German only).
3. What is the procedure in case of infection/quarantine?
If you become aware of a case of infection in one of your courses, please inform all participants as soon as possible that they may have had contact with a person who has tested positive.
If students are informed by their lecturers that they have had contact with a person who has tested positive, this is considered an excuse for absence from face-to-face courses, should they voluntarily go into self-isolation. This also applies if students are informed by the person concerned themselves or if quarantine is ordered by the health department (also in the event of contacts in a private environment). In this case, there is no entitlement to online teaching.
If you yourself test positive for the coronavirus, please immediately inform the health department of the city of JenaExternal link (German only), close contact persons as well as students or colleagues who attended your face-to-face course(s) during the last two days before the swab test or the first appearance of symptoms.
If a quarantine is ordered for you or you go into self-isolation as a precaution, your courses must be temporarily switched to a digital format.
1. Who can I contact with questions regarding the contents and organization of courses and examinations?
If you have any questions regarding courses and examinations, please contact the person responsible for the study programme or the relevant examination office.
2. Where can I get information digital teaching and learning formats?
The Servicestelle LehreLernen (Service Centre for Higher Education Didactics) advises you in creating digital teaching and learning formats. The staff of the Service Centre are available to answer your questions about e-learning at the usual advisory and workshop times or by e-mail at lehrelernen@uni-jena.de.
Further information and examples of digital teaching-learning formats:
3. Who can support me in the preparation of online exams?
Extensive information on online exams can be found on the website https://www.elearning.uni-jena.de/digitalpruefen de (German only).
The discussion forum in the "Moodle course for examiners" (https://exam.uni-jena.de/enrol/index.php?id=4External link) is recommended as a helpful exchange format for examiners.
For didactic advice on online exams, please contact the Servicestelle LehreLernen.
In case of technical questions, the Moodle team of the Multimedia Centre is available: https://servicedesk.uni-jena.de/plugins/servlet/desk/portal/121/create/709External link
Legal questions about (digital) examinations can be answered by Maximilia Koop from the Legal Office de (German only).
The strategic development and overall coordination of digital examinations will be taken over by the Office for Digital TransformationExternal link in the future. Here, the contact persons in the area of digital studies and teaching will be happy to answer your questions.
There is also an information page on online examinations for students de. You are welcome to make your students aware of it.
4. Who can I contact regarding the use of recording technology in my course room or other technical questions?
The Multimedia Centre offers you a wide range of services and support options. On the following page you will find an overview of the offers and the contact persons: https://www.uni-jena.de/universitaet/fakultaeten-einrichtungen/urz/dienste/dienste-von-a-bis-z/e-learningExternal link (German only)
Here you will also find information on how to request rooms for recording and livestreaming courses easily and in good time via the ticket system.
In addition, the Office of Digital Transformation has compiled extensive information for lecturers in the area of digital teaching on the following website: https://www.elearning.uni-jena.de/informationen-fuer-lehrendeExternal link (German only)
On the website of the Service Centre for Higher Education Didactics (LehreLernen) regarding ‘Teaching during the Corona pandemic’ de, you will find a comprehensive overview of contacts for technical or legal questions regarding the conversion to digital teaching and examination formats.
The Office Digital University provides information regarding the availability of learning and teaching platforms and videoconferencing systems for digital teaching on its website (in German, https://www.uni-jena.de/digital de).
Your questions are not answered yet?
You are also welcome to visit the general website for Information on CoronavirusExternal link, for example with information for students or for employees.
If you have further questions that are not answered in the FAQs, please feel free to write an email: corona@uni-jena.de