Jena (05.12.2024) As a network of universities with an academic focus on Eastern Europe, we are very concerned that the German Society for East European Studies (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde, DGO) was listed as an "extremist organization" by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 26 July this year. The DGO is the largest interdisciplinary association of academics in German-speaking countries who specialize in Eastern Europe. The listing has far-reaching consequences for the work of the DGO. However, it is also a direct attack on science and thus also directly affects our universities.
People who co-operate with the DGO face prison sentences of up to twelve years in Russia. This acutely jeopardizes the personal freedom of researchers and further restricts research on Russia-related topics. For young researchers studying Eastern Europe in particular, this has serious consequences for their academic careers. The listing aims to largely prevent independent research on Russia and affects all research on Eastern Europe due to international networks. The listing of the DGO is therefore an attempt to restrict international academic freedom.
We condemn this attack on international academic freedom and appeal to all researchers, scientific associations and academic institutions to declare their solidarity with the DGO. We stand behind the members of the DGO and support them in continuing their independent scientific work in defence of academic freedom.
We appeal to German politicians to recognize the listing of the DGO as an "extremist organisation" as a direct attack on academic freedom in Germany and internationally, and to act accordingly. The state is called upon to fulfil its protective function towards science. This requires a dialogue with third countries in the Russian sphere of influence in order to protect travelling researchers. Existing and new research collaborations with states that maintain close relations with Russia are thus under considerable strain. Only a decisive stance can defuse such attacks on science.
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- Bielefeld University
- Ruhr University Bochum
- University of Bremen
- Dresden University of Technology
- European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
- Justus Liebig University Giessen
- University of Potsdam
- University of Tübingen