Head in front of a blackboard with symbols that are connected with doing a doctorate

Livestreams of Phd and Postdoc Day

Livestreams of the PhD and Postdoc Day on 30 January
Head in front of a blackboard with symbols that are connected with doing a doctorate
Image: istockphoto.com

Programme in Großer Rosensaal:

13.00 h: 
Promovieren oder nicht? (Graduierten-Akademie)

14.00 h: 
Finanzierung der Promotion (Graduierten-Akademie)

15.00 h
How to handle research data: From theory to praxis (zedif)

16.00 h 
Das Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (Graduierten-Akademie)

17.00 h
Profilbildung auf dem Weg zur eigenen Professur: Forschungsleistung, Qualifikation, Persönlichkeit (Graduierten-Akademie)

Please note: In the livestream there is no opportunity to participate in the event by asking questions or making comments.

Livestream Kleiner Rosensaal:
Starting on 13.00h on 30 January, you can find the livestream of the presentations which are held in the Kleiner Rosensaal here
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