- Liberty
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The German-Taiwanese Dialogue Platform invites you to this 3rd Berlin Taiwan Conference, focusing on opportunities of cooperation between Germany and Taiwan. Topics will include business, literature, municipal governance, transitional justice, science cooperation, societal resilience, human rights and Taiwan’s international status.
This two-day event brings together academics, think tankers and business representatives, writers Stephan THOME and WU Ming-Yi, a Minister from Taiwan, parliament members and other policymakers, local officials and people from civil society to discuss the evolving relations between the two sides. The conference offers a broad and diverse range of perspectives on German-Taiwanese cooperation.
Event Details
- Day 1: 9:30 – 17:00 at Europäisches Haus (European House), Unter den Linden 78, 10117 Berlin
- Day 2: 9:00 – 13:00 at Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin (Berlin House of Representatives), Niederkirchnerstr. 5, 10117 Berlin
About the German-Taiwanese Dialogue Platform (DTDP)
Founded in 2023, the German-Taiwanese Dialogue Platform (DTDP) fosters civil society exchange and strengthens bilateral ties. Its Co-Chairs are Prof. Lin Minn-Tsong and Reinhard Bütikofer.
Additional Information
The conference language is English. The full programExternal link is available here.
With kind support from:
Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft (EVZ)
Deutsch-Taiwanische Gesellschaft
Auswärtiges Amt