Equal Opportunities Officers

The Equal Opportunities Officers are the primary contact persons to provide you with support!

Your central contact persons regarding equality

The university's Equal Opportunities Officers are nominated by the Equal Opportunities Advisory Committee from among the university's female staff and elected in the Senate for a term of three years. The office is held on an honorary basis, i.e. the Equal Opportunities Officers continue to be active in research and teaching, but receive individual discharge from their regular duties in return for assuming this office.

The university's Equal Opportunities Officers are supported in their duties by the counselors of the Equal Opportunities Advisory Committee, which are happy to assist you in your concerns at a decentralized level. In addition, the staff members of the Equal Opportunities Office are the interface between all organs and are happy to assist you!



Equal Opportunities Officer

apl. Prof. Dr. Annette Weinke

Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

apl. Prof. Dr. Annette Weinke

Contact: annette.weinke@uni-jena.de 

Curriculum Vitae: 

  • since October 2022 Equal Opportunities Officer at Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena
  • for more information regarding the academic career of Prof. Dr. Weinke, please visit the website of the institute de

Areas of responsibility:

  • Advise university bodies and committees in questions of equality
  • Accompaniment of appointment procedures
  • Coordination of the work of the Faculties' Equal Opportunities Officers
  • Offer of counseling sessions for all status groups of the university in case of conflicts or problems regarding equality
  • Deputy Speaker of the State Conference of Equal Opportunity Officers at Thuringian Universities (LaKoG)

Vicarious Equal Opportunities Officer

white head and upper body on a golden background - schematic

Image: Lousia Büsken

N. N. 


Curriculum Vitae:

Areas of responsibility: 

  • Advise university bodies and committees in questions of equality
  • Accompaniment of appointment procedures
  • Coordination of the work of the Faculties' Equal Opportunities Officers
  • Offer of counseling sessions for all status groups of the university in case of conflicts or problems regarding equality