wooden platelets with letters saying support

What we do

wooden platelets with letters saying support
Image: Bilddatenbank Pixabay

Everyone at the university should be free to pursue their work or studies, irrespective of their ethnic background, their sex, their gender identity, their sexual orientation, their religion or worldview, a disability, their age, their family responsibilites or their socio-economic background.

Should you have been put at a disadvantage or been discriminated against for any of these reasons, then please get in contact with us. We will listen to your story, offer you advice and – if appropriate, and only with your explicit permission – take the matter up with the university authorities. Anonymously, if desired.

There is of course no charge for our services. Of course, we will accommodate any necessary bathroom requirements on your part. Please let us know if this is the case.

We offer you advice and information about the following topics:

  • Anti-discrimination
  • Recognising discrimination
  • What to do when discrimination happens
  • Further information and advice