The President: Future planning and Excellence Strategy
Prof. Marx emphasized that both processes overlap in terms of content and timing, but that each pursues its own objectives. The University's future planning is intended to define the strategic development of the University's individual areas for the next five years and is closely linked to the University's Structure and Development Plan prescribed by the state. Prof. Marx made it clear that the aim is to develop visions and not to identify potential savings. According to him, the focus is on substantial development that ensures the University of Jena's leading position.
The Excellence Strategy, on the other hand, is a funding programme for cutting-edge research and the expansion of the leading international position of German universities. With two Clusters of Excellence, the University of Jena can apply to become a University of Excellence and would be recognized as one of the top universities in Germany if accepted into the funding line. As a University of Excellence, the University of Jena would have additional funds at its disposal for strategic profile development, from which not only research but all areas of the University would benefit enormously.
The President presented the various information and participation opportunities regarding the application process and called on all members of the University to get involved and take advantage of the opportunity to help shape life at the University together.
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)
Vice-President for Learning and Teaching
The Vice-President's Office for Learning and Teaching was introduced by Vice-President Prof. Dr Karina Weichold. The Office for Quality Development in Teaching, the Academy for Teaching Development, the Service Centre for Higher Education Didactics (LehreLernen), the Writing Centre SchreibenLernen and the Language Centre are assigned to the Vice-President's Office.
According to Prof. Weichold, the new year at the University should be characterized by enjoyment of teaching and learning, freedom and flexibility for teaching staff and students, support for teaching staff and students and the joint, needs-oriented and sustainable design of studies and teaching. To this end, the existing projects will be continued with full commitment and a large number of new projects will be launched, for example to attract new students.
Vice-President for Research and Innovation
The Vice-President's Office for Research and Innovation was presented by Vice-President Prof. Dr Thomas Pertsch. Even though "early career researchers" are no longer included in the office's title, they are inherently taken into account in all activities. The Graduate Academy will remain responsible for their promotion, alongside the Service Centre for Research and Transfer and the zedif as a competence centre for digital research following last year's restructuring.
A number of important projects will be continued in 2025, such as the establishment of a transfer centre with regional partners. In particular, Prof. Pertsch thanked his predecessors, Prof. Dr Uwe Cantner and Prof. Dr Georg Pohnert, for their great preparatory work.
Vice-President for University Community and Engagement
The Vice-President's Offuce for University Community and Engagement was introduced by Vice-President Prof. Dr Bärbel Kracke. The Office, which was newly established last year, includes the equal opportunities and diversity, network and cooperation management, the Green Office, the University Collections and the music department.
Prof. Kracke emphasized that each and every individual contributes with their own ideas and commitment to ensuring that the University of Jena creates excellent study, research and working conditions in all areas. Consideration, humanity, respect and the acceptance of responsibility are the cornerstones of a collaborative community. In addition to many other projects, Prof. Kracke was particularly pleased that the ground-breaking ceremony for the FORUM communication centre will take place in 2025.
View of the packed auditorium
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)Head of Administration and Finance
The University of Jena's Head of Administration and Finance, Dr Thoralf Held, presented the developments in the science-supporting departments that lie within his area of responsibility. To this end, Dr Held introduced the University of Jena's process map with the cross-cutting topics of digitaliszation and health, for which he is responsible. This year, a joint mission statement will be developed for the science-supporting areas, which can be divided into service and administration.
Externally, the year at the University will be characterized by the provisional budget management imposed by the state as well as the Framework Agreement and the Target and Performance Agreement, among other things. At the same time, an app for the student orientaton days and the new HISinOne campus management system will go live this year, the Student Forum will be further developed and the move into Campus Inselplatz and the Microverse Centre will begin.
"Balance of the Microverse" and "Imaginamics"
The Executive Board was particularly pleased to have gained Prof. Dr Kirsten Küsel for the presentation of the Cluster of Excellence "Balance of the Microverse" and Prof. Dr Christina Brandt for the presentation of the Cluster of Excellence initiative "Imaginamics". Both gave exciting insights into the research work to date and the planned research work at the University of Jena.
In his closing remarks, the President thanked all members of the University for their commitment and dedication. 2025 offers a variety of exciting projects that will give all employees and students the opportunity to further improve and help shape life at the University.
The musical finale by members of the Academic Orchestra Association was followed by a reception in the foyer. Drinks and snacks were served and there was an opportunity to chat and ask questions to the members of the Executive Board.