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Published: | By: Ute Schönfelder
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(GThe Master's Ranking 2024/25 of the CHE Centre for Higher Education (CHE) was published today (11 December) and the University of Jena once again receives excellent ratings in the survey, which is conducted regularly for the Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics subject groups. In the recently published Master's survey, the University scored very well across the board in the categories "Study organization" and "Courses offered" in the new degree programmes assessed this year.
Five stars for good support
In the master's degree programmes in Physics and Photonics, the University of Jena is also one of the top universities in Germany when it comes to the purely factual indicator "Degrees completed in a reasonable time". Jena students express extreme satisfaction with their degree programmes: They rate their university better than the national average in all ten indicators based on their assessments – from the general study situation, courses offered and digital teaching elements, to research and practical orientation. Three quarters of respondents are very satisfied with the support they receive from lecturers for questions and problems and gave their university five out of five stars. Almost three quarters of students also particularly appreciate the fact that they can participate in research projects as students.
"We see the excellent performance of our degree programmes as the result of the great commitment of everyone involved. At the same time, we see it as an obligation to remain innovative in our teaching and to maintain the attractiveness of our degree programmes. Even though the master's degree programmes in Physics received excellent ratings, a working group has already started to improve the M.Sc. in Physics for the challenges of the future, and a new and modern study programme was launched this year with the M.Sc. in Quantum Science and Technology," says the Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Prof. Dr Holger Cartarius.
Thesis in research
The Master's programmes in Bioinformatics, Computational and Data Science and Computer Science at the University of Jena score highly in the indicator "Third-party funding per scientist", where they are among the leaders. The ratings are also above the national average for the indicators general study situation, courses offered, study organization, support by teaching staff and research orientation. The opportunity to write theses in research projects at the university or a non-university research institution is particularly appreciated: 85 per cent of the Master's students surveyed from the Computer Science subject group gave their supervisors five stars for this.
The complete CHE ranking was published today in the ZEIT Study Guide 2024/25 and on HeyStudium. Around 7,500 students across Germany were surveyed for the ranking. In addition to facts in the subject areas of study, teaching and research, the ranking includes students' judgements on the study conditions at their university, which are presented using a five-star scale. The ranking is available online at: www.heystudium.de/rankingExternal link (German only).