Four student form two piggy-back teams

Commitment Scholarship

Are you an international student? Are you engaged in social commitment inside the University? Please apply for the Commitment Scholarship of the DAAD!
Four student form two piggy-back teams
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

What is the Commitment Scholarship awarded for?

The Committed Scholarship honours special extracurricular commitment in university life. This can be, for example

  • participation in university committees (General Student Council and its committees, Institute Student Council, Senate, Faculty Council) or
  • the organisation of a range of intercultural-integrative activities.

The commitment must have lasted for at least 6 months without interruption at the time of application.

Applicants must not have received any payment or other scholarships at the same time for their commitment (reimbursement of expenses as part of an honorary post is not counted as payment).


  • are international students without a German Abitur (‘Bildungsausländer/innen’),
  • have been enrolled in a regular degree programme at the University of Jena for at least 1 semester at the time of application and must still be enrolled in a regular study programme at the time of selection, 
  • can demonstrate at least good academic performance (2.5 and better) in the current degree programme.


DAAD Logo 2021

Graphic: DAAD


The Commitment Scholarship from funds of the STIBET programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is paid once and amounts to 500€. Four scholarships are awarded per year.

A commission of the International Office decides to whom to award the scholarship. There is no legal entitlement to a scholarship; the award depends, among other things, on the availability of funds (DAAD).


Application slots: 01-30 April, 01-31 October.

Application formdoc, 203 kb · de with further information.

Please send your application as a single pdf via E-mail to 


If you have any questions, please get in touch with Dr Britta Salheiser, Team International Students department of the International Office.