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- Liberty
LIFE profile
Sex and age are included as central analytical dimensions in all research activities of the Professorship of Pharmaceutical Chemistry in order to enable "personalised" pharmacotherapy. The gender-specific and personalised regulation of inflammatory processes and their pharmacological therapy ('gender medicine/personalised pharmacotherapy') is also pursued as a main research area. read more
The Institute of Psychosocial Medicine and Psychotherapy at the Jena University Hospital (JUH) is a consortium partner in the interdisciplinary project 'Together4Trans' (01/2024-07/2026) to develop a new S3 guideline (S3-LL) on gender incongruence (GI) care. While the two currently existing guidelines focus either on issues of diagnosis, indication and psychosocial aspects or on somatic treatments, this project aims to update the interdisciplinary perspectives and incorporate them into an S3 guideline. learn moreExternal linkExternal link
The Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Jena University Hospital (JUH) conducts research and advisory services on the topic of transidentity in minors. find out more.
Under the title 'Diversity Medicine' , Professor Marie von Lilienfeld-Toal's research group is investigating the influence of diversity-related factors such as sex, age or ethnicity - and their interplay - on the course of illnesses. The aim is to advance individualised Medicine. In this context, the team is also working on an innovative and interdisciplinary teaching project on discrimination-conscious and diversity-orientated teaching for Medicine students in the clinical semester, which imparts basic knowledge on diversity in Medicine and (structural) discrimination as well as a critical awareness of this. The idea of intersectionality is at the centre of the teaching concept. Professor Lilienfeld-Toal is also chair of the 'Diversity and Individual Medicine' research group of the German Society for Haematology and Medical Oncology, which was founded in 2021. learn moreExternal linkExternal link
LIBERTY profile
Feminist theology and theological gender studies are pursued as a research focus within the framework of the junior professorship for Systematic Theology/Ethics at the Faculty of Theology. read more de
Main research areas at the Chair for Gender History (Institute of History, Faculty of Arts and Humanities) are the relationship between gender and religion (e.g. project 'Masculinity-Religiosity-Church Reference'), the gender history of the bourgeoisie in the 19th century, gender in (sub-)urban areas and the relationship between sex, consumption and material culture. read more de
Gender relations, care and social reproduction are a central theme in the research profile of the Institute of Sociology. The focus is on analysing masculinity (in transition), transgender and the study of family structures, couple relationships and sexuality in transition. Within the framework of an expanded concept of work, which includes unpaid domestic and care work in addition to gainful employment, the institute also conducts research into the crisis of social reproduction and the transformation of care and caring relationships in times of family, welfare state and demographic change. In addition, one project is investigating the question of which factors influence young women to remain in the 'leaky tech pipeline'. A gender-sensitive approach is a self-evident course in all main research areas. learn more
In the collaborative research centres (CRC) 'Structural change of property', research is being conducted in sub-project B06 'Property inequality in the private sphere' on paired property arrangements, with the question of how the hegemonic property and gender order is reproduced and possibly transformed. learn moreExternal linkExternal link
At the Institute of German Linguistics, phonetic characteristics of sex and gender in the sense of articulatory and acoustic differences in female and male sound production and their influencing factors are the subject of research in the area of 'Linguistics and Phonetics'. read more de
Professor of Musicology at the joint Institute of Musicology Weimar and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Chair of Historical Musicology, especially 19th century music, has been working for many years on the topic of 'Gender Studies in Musicology' and is co-editor of MUGI (Music and Gender on the Internet). read moreExternal linkExternal link
The research agenda of the Chair of Public Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration-Focus: Business Analytics includes questions of gender economics. read moreExternal linkExternal link
Queer studies in the context of intercultural studies are on the research agenda of the Institute for Intercultural Science Communication, with a special focus on intersectionality and diversity. read more de
Ongoing work on the question: How do we deal with racism, sexism and anti-Semitism in classical philosophical works? - The team at the Professorship of Philosophy with a focus on Practical Philosophy is critically examining the issues of racism, sexism and anti-Semitism in philosophy. read moreExternal linkExternal link