Jena University Hospital is ranked 23rd among the best hospitals in Germany.

Jena University Hospital is one of the TOP25 clinical departments in Germany

Global hospital ranking "World's Best Hospitals 2025" confirms the high quality of the only university hospital in Thuringia
Jena University Hospital is ranked 23rd among the best hospitals in Germany.
Image: Anna Schroll/UKJ

Published: | By: Anne Curth
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In the current "World's Best Hospitals Ranking 2025", compiled by the American weekly Newsweek in cooperation with the data portal Statista, Jena University Hospital (UKJ) has achieved 23rd place among the best hospitals in Germany. This makes the UKJ the leading hospital in Thuringia and one of the top 25 clinical departments in the country. Prof. Dr Otto W. Witte, Medical Director at the UKJ, is delighted with the ranking: "This success is the result of the dedicated work of our colleagues, who care for the well-being of patients every day and are committed to research and teaching. We are delighted that our work has also been recognised in this international comparison. At the same time, we see this ranking as an incentive to continue to guarantee the highest quality of care and develop new medical approaches."

In the current "World's Best Specialised Hospitals Ranking 2025" by Newsweek and Statista, which compares the best specialist hospitals worldwide, the UKJ is the only hospital in Thuringia to be ranked among the best clinical departments internationally in the areas of cardiac surgery, oncology, orthopaedics, paediatrics and urology.

The "World's Best Hospitals Ranking" is compiled on the basis of a survey of over 80,000 doctors, healthcare experts and hospital managers. Since 2019, it has compared more than 2,400 clinical departments from 30 countries, taking into account factors such as the quality of medical care, patient satisfaction and the innovative strength of the units.