Quick links
- 1. Responsibilities
- 2. Exam registration period
- 3. Examination phase
- 4. After the exam / receiving credits (for exams or prior learning)
- 5. Changing university and resuming studies / change of subject or programme
- 6. Bachelor’s / Master's dissertation
- 7. Graduation documents
- 8. Deadlines for completing your degree
- 9. Further questions
- 10. Visiting students with restricted enrolment status
- 11. Academic adjustments (also known as reasonable adjustments or compensation for disadvantages)
- 12. Consulting services / workshops
1. Who is responsible for my programme?
Which programmes does the ASPA cover?
- Bachelor’s programmes (major and minor) and master’s programmes at the Faculty of Theology, the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- Teacher training programmes for grammar schools (Gymnasium) and lower and intermediate secondary schools (Regelschule)
- Teacher training extension programmes for grammar schools (Gymnasium) and lower and intermediate secondary schools (Regelschule)
Programmes not covered by the ASPA:
- Teacher training in:
- Geography and Chemistry
- Physical EducationExternal link
- Biology
- Mathematics and Computer Science de
- Physics and Astronomy
- Economics / Law de
- Exam preparation modules for state examinations: State Examination Office for Teacher Training de
- School placement semesterExternal link
- Bachelor’s degree:
- Sports Science (120)
- Business and Languages
- Master’s degree:
- Continuing education and staff development
2. I want to register for courses. Who can I contact?
- Your programme’s examiners or lecturers
- Your programme’s academic advisors
3. How can I get in touch or submit something?
- Service Desk (preferably for submitting applications, official requests and documents)
- Telephone hotline (preferably for general enquiries and information)
- Please make sure you always submit your enquiries and applications in good time or (where applicable) by the respective deadlines
- If you are unsure, please contact your examinations office by phone or via the Service Desk to clarify any questions you may have well in advance
- Late applications or failure to meet these deadlines may adversely affect your studies
1. How do I register for exams? What do I need to know?
- You must register for your exams via Friedolin
When do I need to register for my exams?
- Within the first ten weeks of the lecture period (via Friedolin)
- Registration deadline for WS 2024/2025: 23 December 2024 (open from 14 October 2024)
- Registration deadline for SS 2025: 16 June 2025 (open from 02 April 2025)
Please note that if you fail to register by these deadlines, you cannot take your exam. Registration deadlines are binding!
How can I check if my exam registration was successful?
- Once you have successfully registered for you exam, you will receive an automated confirmation email from Friedolin
- Please carefully check your registrations and keep a copy of these emails
- A list of all your registered exams is available in Friedolin (‘My exams’)
What should I bear in mind?
- Registering for exams requires you to take them – this also applies to second attempts in case you failed or withdrew from your exam
- If you fail to attend your exams following a binding registration (and without a submitted and approved withdrawal), your exam will be graded as failed (‘nicht bestanden’). This applies to both first and second attempts (i.e. resits)
2. I can’t register for my exam. What do I need to do?
- If you can’t register for your exam via Friedolin:
- Check the module catalogue of your programme to see if there are any special requirements for entering this exam. If you don’t meet these requirements, you may not be able to register for or enter this exam.
- Please contact us as soon as possible (observing the registration deadlines!)
- via the Service Desk (Anfrageart I Request type: Prüfungsanmeldung I Exam registration)
- by telephone (via our hotline)
- If you can’t register for your exam via Friedolin:
3. Can I register for exams at a later point (i.e. after the registration deadline has expired)?
- If you fail to register by the given deadlines, you cannot take your exam. Registration deadlines are binding.
- Exception: Faculty of Arts and Humanities: In accordance with the Faculty Council’s decision, you may register for module exams until 14 days before the first examination date
4. I took an exam without having registered for it. What happens now?
- You won’t receive any credits for this exam.
- You can only earn credits for exams if you have registered for them
5. What happens if I don’t take an exam I have registered for?
- Your exam will count as a failed attempt (grade ‘5.0’, fail)
- If there are valid reasons for why you are unable to take your exam, you must immediately inform the examinations office (on the date of your exam) and submit relevant evidence within 3 working days (Monday to Saturday) – see exam withdrawals
Please note:
- You can only de-register from exams within the stated period (see exam de-registrations). Your de-registration will also apply to all resit dates of that semester.
6. I have failed my first attempt. What happens now?
- Usually, you will automatically be registered for a second attempt in the same semester by your examiner or examinations office (this means that you are required to take this exam, see above)
- If your re-sit exam is scheduled for the following semester/module period, please contact us immediately or log in to Friedolin to register for your second attempt.
7. When and how can I de-register from my exams?
- Via Friedolin: You may de-register from exams without giving reasons within the first 10 weeks of the lecture period
- Via the ASPA: Where the respective faculties have made other arrangements, you may de-register until 14 days before the end of the lecture period
- De-registration deadline for WS 2024/2025: 24 January 2025 (open from 14 October 2024)
- De-registration deadline for SS 2025: 27June 2025 (open from 02 April 2025)
- Via the ASPA: Where the respective faculties have made other arrangements, you may de-register until 14 days before the end of the lecture period
Please note that after these deadlines, you will no longer be able to de-register from your exams. This means that you are required to take the exam.
How can I request to be de-registered from exams through the ASPA?
- Please submit a ticket to the Service Desk (Anfrageart I Request type: Prüfungsabmeldung I Exam de-registration)
- Via Friedolin: You may de-register from exams without giving reasons within the first 10 weeks of the lecture period
8. What is the difference between an exam withdrawal and de-registration?
- Exam de-registration: applies to the entire semester (first and second attempt)
- Exam withdrawals: applies to the relevant exam date only (you are still required to attend all subsequent exam dates and attempts)
9. Do I need to register my internship?
- You are usually not required to register your internship via Friedolin
- Your internship will be registered by the Internship Officer responsible for your major subject
- Subjects/programmes that require registration via Friedolin: Bachelor’s programmes with German as a Foreign and Second Language, Educational Science and German Studies as a major subject, MA German as a Foreign Language – German as a Second Language (International Master)
What is the deadline for submitting my internship report to the Internship Officer?
- Internships registered via Friedolin: respective examination date
- Internships not registered via Friedolin: submission date set by your subject
10. How can I register additional modules?
- Please submit the relevant registration form via the Service Desk (Anfrageart I Request type: Prüfungsanmeldung I Exam registration)
11. Friedolin has notified me that I don’t meet the language skills required to register for my exam. What do I need to do?
Please go to the Service Desk and submit a copy of your secondary school leaving certificate or another certificate that proves your language skills (Anfrageart I Request type: ASQ / Praktikum / Sprachen I General key skills / Internship / Languages)
Please note: We don’t have any access to your enrolment documents which is why you need to submit this evidence.
1. What happens if I am ill on the day of my exam?
- Please notify us that you wish to withdraw from your exam. Ideally, this should be done before the exam but if this is not possible, please contact us on the exam day at the very latest. You can do this by phone or by submitting a request via the Service Desk.
- You must submit written evidence to us within 3 working days from your withdrawal (usually a medical certificate confirming your inability to take the exam)
- Please note: We cannot accept online certificates from telemedicine companies!
- via the Service Desk (Anfrageart I Request type: Prüfungsrücktritt I Exam withdrawal)
Please note:
There is now a new form that you should use for this purpose! You must submit this form or a similar medical certificate in due time. These documents must provide the examinations office or committee with enough information to confirm that you were medically unfit to take the exam.
For this reason, medical certificates will only be accepted if they contain a minimum amount of information (i.e. medical assessment of your inability to take the exam with a clear reference to the type of exam in question [written exam, oral exam, etc.]). If the certificate does not include this information, your examinations office will be obliged to request additional information from your doctor. This means that there is a risk that your withdrawal request may be rejected.
Wiki – Exam withdrawals (German only)External link
Form for demonstrating your inability to take an exampdf, 234 kb
2. I want to take an exam whilst on sick leave. What do I need to know?
- By taking the exam you declare that you are fit enough to take it. This means you may enter the exam.
- You will need to submit a new medical certificate for each exam you withdraw from.
- Example: You have an in-person exam on Monday and Friday and are unable to attend for medical reasons. However, you also have an online exam on Wednesday that you are able to take. In this case, we will need a new medical certificate for Friday unless it is clear from your first certificate that you will be unable to take a certain type of exam (e.g. in-person exams)
3. Can I withdraw from an exam because I have several exams on the same day?
- Having several exams on the same day is not a valid reason to withdraw
- Withdrawals are only permitted if your exams overlap
- An inability to take an exam generally applies to all examinations on that day
- Up to four exams on one day are considered reasonable – provided they don’t overlap
4. What do I need to do if two exams overlap?
- Requirements: Your exams have to be registered
- Contact us before your exams
- Send us evidence to show that your exams overlap (e.g. Friedolin download, confirmation from your examiner, moodle download, proof of travel time for in-person and online exams)
- via the Service Desk (Anfrageart I Request type: Prüfungsrücktritt I Exam withdrawal)
5. How can I apply for an extension of my submission deadline (seminar paper)?
- Please immediately apply for an extension of submission and submit all evidence required within 3 working days after becoming aware of your illness or another important reason that prevents you from submitting your work through no fault of your own
- We must have received your application and all relevant evidence (e.g. medical certificate confirming your inability to take an exam or submit coursework) by the submission date at the very latest
- via the Service Desk (Anfrageart I Request type: Schreibzeitverlängerung I Extension of submission deadline)
Please note:
Submission deadlines can be extended by up to 4 weeks.
An authorized extension is only valid once. It does not carry forward to your next attempt!
Wiki – Extension of submission deadlines (German only)External link
6. What do I need to do if I experience technical issues during an online exam?
- First of all, you should document these issues (e.g. by taking screenshots)
- Immediately inform your examiner or the person supervising your exam (based on your complaint, they will decide if and what additional measures need to be taken to compensate for these issues or whether the exam needs to be cancelled) AND
- Contact us straight after your exam
- Submit evidence (e.g. screenshots)
Who do I need to inform and how?
- In-person exams: immediately inform your examiner or the person supervising your exam in person, online exams: inform your examiner via mail/chat/phone/moodle. Your examiners will usually tell you what to in their exam instructions
- Examinations office: contact your examinations office by phone or using the Service Desk (Anfrageart I Request type: Sonstiges / Allgemeine Anfrage I Other / General enquiries)
1. What happens if I fail a module twice?
- If you have failed a module twice you can apply for an additional attempt (see third attempt)
- There are two different options:
Additional attempt (without giving reasons) – in accordance with the Senate’s decision of July 2018:
- In each subject, you may resit an exam you failed twice (third attempt) without giving reasons.
- You must apply for this third attempt within one month after the results of your second attempt have been published. This application must be submitted to us (Service Desk - Anfrageart I Request type: weiterer Prüfungsversuch I Additional exam attempt)
Additional attempt (extenuating circumstances) – in accordance with examination regulations:
- Any additional third attempts must be applied for and justified – there must be valid and exceptional reasons
- Your application must be submitted to us within three months after your grades were published in Friedolin (Service Desk - Anfrageart I Request type: weiterer Prüfungsversuch I Additional exam attempt)
- Please provide a detailed account of your extenuating circumstances (there must be valid and exceptional reasons – personal circumstances) and all evidence required (e.g. medical certificates, official letters and confirmations)
- If you also fail at these additional attempts, please check to see whether you are enrolled in a compulsory module or in a required elective module (see further questions)
2. What happens if I have irrevocably failed a compulsory module?
- Your examinations office will send you a letter confirming that have irrevocably failed a module if you have failed to submit your resit application on time, your application has been rejected or you have failed at your additional attempt.
- In these cases, you have two options: you can either apply for a change of subject or programme or withdraw from your programme. If you fail to do any of these, you will be de-registered for administrative reasons by the deadline stated in their letter.
3. I have failed a required elective module. Can I replace it?
- Degree programmes leading to a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Master of Arts (MA) and teacher training programmes according to the ‘Jena Model’
- In each subject, failed required elective modules may be replaced once (either with a required elective module you already completed or one that you are still to complete)
- Via the Service Desk (Anfrageart I Request type: Austausch nicht bestandenes Wahlpflichtmodul I Replacement of a failed required elective module)
Wiki – Replacement of a failed required elective module (German only)External link
4. My examiner hasn’t submitted any grades yet. What can I do?
- Seminar paper should be assessed within the same semester or within eight weeks after submission
- Exam results should be published no later than two weeks before the resit date
- Please contact your lecturer or examiner directly if they are still missing
5. Can credits earned abroad be transferred?
- Yes, please contact the Academic Advisory Service to request a credit transfer certificate
- Please submit this certificate to us
What do I have to submit?
- Credit transfer certificate from the Academic Advisory Service: the certificate should clearly state the modules for which you were awarded a credit transfer (i.e. the module you completed abroad and the University of Jena module these credits should count towards).
- Transcript from your studies abroad (Transcript of Records)
- If applicable: Learning Agreement
- Via the Service Desk (Anfrageart I request type: Auslandsanerkennung I Recognition of credits earned abroad)
6. I took an exam without having registered for it. What happens now?
Please refer to ‘Exam registration’
1. Who needs to apply for recognition of prior learning (credit transfer) when changing university? What do I need to know?
- All students who have started or already completed a degree at another university and wish to continue their studies at the University of Jena.
- All students who have started or completed a degree at the University of Jena and are no longer registered
What documents do I need to submit?
Please submit the following documents via the Service Desk (Anfrageart I Request type: HS-Wechsel I Change of university – if possible in German, otherwise in English:
- Transfer / resuming study application
- Current certificate of student status / certificate of academic progress
- Current transcript (interim/final)
- If applicable, complete record of all outstanding coursework and examinations
- Links to catalogues and descriptions of all modules you have completed so far
- Certificate of academic standing from your current university
- Documents that prove your language skills (e.g. secondary school leaving certificate, degree certificates and transcripts, interim examination certificate [Zwischenprüfungszeugnis], Latin or Greek proficiency certificates)
- CV
What are the next steps? When will I receive my credit transfer certificate?
- Once we have received your documents, we will review them and make sure they are complete
- They will then be forwarded to the academic advisors of the relevant subjects
- As soon as we receive their feedback, we will issue a credit transfer certificate and forward it to you (this process may take around six weeks)
- You will then need to submit your credit transfer certificate to the Student Service Centre
- Your credits will be displayed in Friedolin as soon as the semester starts
2. I would like to change my subject or programme. What do I need to know?
- First of all, please visit the website of the Student Service Centre de for more information.
- Submit an application for change of subject or programme via the Service Desk (Anfrageart I Request type: Fach-/Abschlusswechsel I Change of subject or programme/degree
- The ASPA will decide and confirm which semester you will be admitted to
- They will assess which credits can be transferred to your new subject or programme
When will my credits be transferred?
- If we recognize your prior learning, your credits will be transferred within the first week of the new semester. Once they have been transferred, they will be displayed in Friedolin.
Application for change of subject or programme / degree / double degreepdf, 239 kb · de
1. How do I register my bachelor’s or master’s dissertation?
What are the requirements for registering my dissertation?
- Bachelor's dissertation: at least 140 ECTS credits
- Master's dissertation: at least 60 ECTS credits
- Programme-specific: Depending on your programme, you may have to meet language requirements or prove that you have completed certain modules. For more information on your programme’s requirements, please refer to the relevant study regulations and module catalogues
When can I register my dissertation?
- Until the 10th of each month
- Your examinations office will approve your registration on the 15th
- For example: Registration period: 1-10 December; Registration approval: 15 December
How do I register my dissertation and what do I need to submit?
- Service Desk: Anfrageart I Registration type: Anmeldung Abschlussarbeit I Dissertation registration
- Bachelor’s or Master’s dissertation registration form with all signatures
- Separate notification for group dissertations
- Separate notification for dissertations written in a language other than German (exceptions: MA IOCM and BA/MA English Studies) and a confirmation from your supervisor that your dissertation will be written in another language
- Proof that you meet all language requirements provided you haven’t already submitted this evidence to us during your studies (e.g. language certificates or secondary school leaving certificate)
- In some bachelor’s programmes: proof of professional competencies (e.g. presentations, field trip certificates) → see study regulations
- If you are required or wish to have an external second examiner (in exceptional cases), please inform the ASPA in advance.
- Registration form (bachelor’s dissertation) – German onlyExternal link
- Information on bachelor’s dissertations (German only)External link
- Registration form (master’s dissertation) – German onlyExternal link
- Information on master's dissertations (German only)External link
- Wiki – Dissertations (German only)External link
2. How will I know if my dissertation registration has been approved?
- The General Examinations Committee will send you a letter with all the information you need (usually between the 15th and the 20th of a month)
- If we need any more information from you, we will contact you.
- You will find your dissertation registration under the menu item ‘Overview of Grades’ in Friedolin (not under ‘My exams’)
3. I am a part-time student. Do I have more time to write my dissertation?
Please let us know that you are studying part time when you register your dissertation. Part-time students are granted more time to write their dissertation (50 % of the standard period).
4. What is the deadline for registering my dissertation?
Please refer to the deadlines for completing your degree
5. I need more time to write my dissertation. What do I need to do?
- Please immediately apply for an extension of submission as soon as you become aware of your illness or another valid reason for extension
- via the Service Desk (Anfrageart I Request type: Schreibzeitverlängerung I Extension of submission deadline)
- You will have to justify your application and submit evidence of your illness or similar within 3 working days (Monday to Saturday)
Please note:
Submission deadlines can be extended by up to 4 weeks.
Authorized extensions are only valid once. They do not carry forward to additional attempts!
6. How do I submit my dissertation correctly and on time?
- You must submit your dissertation no later than the submission deadline stated on the letter you received from the General Examinations Committee. (Please bear in mind that the 12-week period for writing bachelor's dissertations does not equal 3 months!)
- Early submissions are possible.
Please remember to enclose a signed declaration of academic integrity with each copy of your dissertation, otherwise your dissertation cannot be assessed.
How can I submit my dissertation?
- By post
→ You must be able to prove that you have submitted your work on time (e.g. post office receipt)
→ Postmark date = submission date- Deadline letterbox
→ The deadline letterbox is located at the University Main Building (Schlossgasse entrance)
Please always use the ASPA address!
7. Do I need to re-register after my dissertation registration has been approved?
- Provided that you have passed all module examinations (please make sure you confirm this with your academic advisor or examinations office well in advance), you may de-register once you have successfully registered your dissertation
- You do not have to enrol to submit your dissertation
- However, you may stay enrolled until you have received your graduation documents
8. When will I get my dissertation grade?
- We will forward your dissertation to your supervisor and second examiner
- Duration of assessment: 6 weeks in accordance with the Examination Regulations (exception: MA Social Theory)
- If you still haven’t received your grade by then, we recommend that you regularly check in with your supervisor and second examiner or contact us
- We will submit your grade to Friedolin as soon as we have received both assessments
9. What is the deadline for changing my dissertation title?
- If you wish to change the title of your bachelor’s dissertation, you can submit a request to us until 6 weeks before submission
- If you wish to request a change of title for your master's dissertation, you should do so no later than 2 months before submission
- If the new title deviates a lot from the original title, we may have to ask your supervisor for permission to ensure you’re not actually changing the topic of your dissertation
- Service Desk (Anfrageart I Request type: Sonstiges / Allgemeine Anfrage I Other / General enquiries), Subject: Change of title (bachelor’s dissertation/master's dissertation)
10. Can I change the topic of my dissertation?
See Bachelor of Arts Examination Regulations (Section 11, Subsection 6):
- The topic of a bachelor’s dissertation may only be changed once within the first two weeks after its successful registration. The period between registering your dissertation and changing topic does not count towards the overall time available for writing your dissertation.
See Master of Arts Examination Regulations (Section 11, Subsection 6):
- The topic of a master’s dissertation may only be changed once within the first four weeks after its successful registration. The period between registering the dissertation and changing topic does not count towards the overall time available for writing the dissertation.
1. How will I receive my graduation documents? What will I receive?
- Provided that you have successfully completed all examinations, your documents will be issued after your grades have been submitted
- After that, your documents will be signed and sealed by different units
- Duration: usually 4 weeks
- If you have submitted a stamped and self-addressed envelope, we will send your documents to your address
- If you wish to receive your documents by post: Please make sure you have submitted a sufficiently stamped and self-addressed envelope to us
- Bachelor’s degrees: Graduation documents and (if needed) a third copy of your dissertation: Envelope size: at least DIN B4 (large envelope [Versandtasche], extra-large gusset envelope [Maxibriefumschlag mit Faltkante]), minimum postage: €2.90
- Master’s degrees: Envelope size: at least DIN C4 (extra-large envelope [Maxibriefumschlag]), minimum postage: €1.80
- Please use regular stamps (QR codes are only valid for a limited period of time)
What is included?
- Degree certificate
- Examination certificate
- Certificated copy of your graduation certificates
- Diploma Supplement (an explanation of your programme and qualification) in German and English
- Transcript of Records in English
2. I have lost my graduation documents. How can I get a replacement?
- Please submit a replacement request to the Service Desk
- For each additional copy, the University charges a fee of €25 which you need to pay in advance (you will find the bank details on the form)
- Please submit a payment receipt with your request
3. How can I get a certified copy of my certificates and transcripts?
- Provided that the certificates or transcripts were issued by us, we can certify them for you. You will need to send us your original documents, either by post or using one of our internal mail boxes (please remember to enclose a sufficiently stamped and self-addressed envelope so that we can return your original documents and certified copies)
- If you wish to collect your documents, please arrange an appointment with us
1. What is the deadline for completing all my module examinations?
In principle, the respective examination regulations for the Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees set deadlines by which all coursework and examinations must be completed. However, some of the deadlines specified in the examination regulations (especially for the Master of Arts) contradict the Thuringian Higher Education Act, so that the deadlines were specified or amended by resolution of the Senate on 19.02.2019. The following generally applies:
- All coursework and examinations must be completed by the end of the third semester after the set standard period of study, otherwise they are deemed to have been definitively failed.
For all those who have started their studies in the current degree program from the winter semester 2022/2023 in the 1st semester, the following applies
- Bachelor of Arts: Completion of all module examinations by the end of the 8th semester at the latest - registration must take place within the first 10 weeks from the start of the semester,
- Master of Arts: Completion of all module examinations by the end of the 6th semester at the latest - registration must take place within the first 10 weeks from the start of the semester.
- Failure to meet the deadlines will result in you failing the module examinations for the first time; you will then have a further semester (Bachelor of Arts: 9th semester; Master of Arts: 7th semester) to complete the 2nd attempt.
- If you are studying part-time, the deadlines will be extended - the Examinations Office will be happy to advise you on this
- you will usually be informed of the deadlines by the Examinations Office two semesters in advance, so that there is still enough time to register for and complete the module examinations
- If you have not completed or passed the module examinations by three semesters after the set standard period of study, you will receive a notification from the Examinations Office about the final failure to pass
If you started your studies at the University of Jena in the current degree program in the summer semester 2022 or earlier in the first semester, the deadlines for completing your studies are suspended due to the corona situation in accordance with a special resolution of the General Examination Board and a resolution of the Faculty Councils of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences and the Faculty of Theology. If you have any questions, the Examinations Office will be happy to advise you.
2. What is the deadline for registering my dissertation?
- Please contact us for more detailed information on the closing deadlines.
- In this context, please note the registration deadlines for final theses (on the 10th of each month).
- If you are studying part-time, the deadlines will be extended - the Examinations Office will be happy to advise you on this.
- You will usually be informed of the deadlines by the Examinations Office two semesters in advance so that you still have enough time to register and write your thesis if you do not meet the deadlines, you will fail your thesis for the first time and will then receive a notification from the Examinations Office
If you started your studies at the University of Jena in the current degree program in the summer semester 2022 or earlier in the first semester, the deadlines for completing your studies are suspended due to the corona situation in accordance with a special resolution of the General Examination Board and a resolution of the Faculty Councils of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences and the Faculty of Theology. If you have any questions, the Examinations Office will be happy to advise you.
1. Submitting requests and applications on time
Please always submit your requests and applications via the Service Desk. If required, please make sure you use the relevant request or application forms and upload a scan of any evidence required.
For more information, please visit our Wiki page: https://wiki.uni-jena.de/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=56094360External link
2. Processing your request or application
How long will it take to process my request or application?
Processing your request or application will usually take 2-3 weeks (e.g. change of subject or programme, student status certificates for the foreigners’ authority, Formblatt 5 or Leistungsbescheinigung nach § 48 for the BAföG office [a specific form that confirms your personal details and all credits you have earned to date], withdrawal, extension of submission deadline).
Applications for admission to advanced semesters will take longer. Please allow allow around 6 weeks for this.
Please bear in mind that some requests will take longer to process. This will vary depending on the nature of your request and the time needed for research, clarifications and decisions to be taken by the General Examinations Committee (please refer to their meeting dates atGeneral Examinations Committee de).
Please check the status of your request or application via Friedolin. Please do not contact us within the first week of submitting your request.
Will you get back to me?
Yes, we will always get back to you as soon as possible. Usually, we will respond to your ticket or send you a letter.
3. I have applied for BAföG and was asked to submit a Leistungsbescheinigung from my examinations office. What do I need to know?
- A Leistungsbescheinigung nach § 48 (sometimes called Formblatt 5) is a specific form that confirms your personal details and all credits you have earned to date. Please use the Service Desk to submit this form to us (Anfrageart I Request type: Bescheinigung I Confirmation letters)
- We will then confirm all the credits you have earned to date
- This will only include fully completed modules (i.e. modules in which you have completed all exams)
- Bachelor’s and teacher training programmes require 100 ECTS credits by the end of the fourth subject semester
- We will only include credits that you have actually earned within these four semesters
- We are not permitted to include credits for any re-sit exams scheduled for the fifth subject semester (BAföG regulations)
4. I am receiving BAföG and need to apply for continued funding. What do I need to do if I have exceeded the maximum funding period and was asked to submit a letter confirming my expected graduation date (Bescheinigung über die Förderhöchstdauer)?
- Please use the Service Desk to submit the relevant BAföG application form to us (Anfrageart I request type: Bescheinigung I Confirmation letters)
- Please include a justification and relevant evidence
- If you meet the criteria for a programme extension, we will send you a confirmation letter with your expected graduation date
5. Can I take exams while on leave of absence?
- In accordance with Section 17 of the Enrolment Regulations, you may not complete any coursework or exams while on leave of absence
Are there any exceptions to this rule?
- Examination procedures that have started before your leave of absence and resits scheduled for the following semester on leave may be exempt from this rule upon request. Please submit an application to your examinations office.
- Leave of absence due to illness: Any credits for coursework and examinations you completed before you became ill remain valid
- Leave of absence for an internship: Credits earned for completing an internship as part of a compulsory or required elective module will still count
- Leave of absence for parental leave or to care for a close relative: You may earn a maximum of 15 ECTS credits after prior consultation with your examinations office
- Leave of absence as part of a collaborative degree programme: Any credits you earn will still count if this is part of the programme’s cooperation agreement
- Please make sure you contact your examinations office in good time to discuss this
6. What do I need to know if I am pregnant?
- You must report your pregnancy to the Student Service Centre
- Please also contact us as we will need to carry out a risk assessment (Anfrageart I Request type: Mutterschutz I Maternity leave)
What if I have assessments or am due to take exams whilst pregnant?
- During parental leave, you may earn a maximum of 15 ECTS credits after prior consultation with your examinations office
- We will provide you with more detailed information as part of our risk assessment
→ see Maternity Protection Act (Mutterschutzgesetz, MuSchG) effective from 1 January 2018
- Maternity Leave – General information (German only)pdf, 260 kb · de
- Maternity Leave – Additional information (German only)pdf, 160 kb · de
- Application for Exemption from the Maternity Protection Period (German only)pdf, 171 kb · de
- Form for revoking your application for exemption from the maternity protection period (German only)pdf, 218 kb · de
- Guide On Examinations During the Maternity Protection Period (German only)pdf, 146 kb · de
- Pregnancy Notification Form for the Student Service Centre (German only)pdf, 267 kb · de
1. I am enrolled in Weimar but am completing modules in Jena. How do I register for an exam? (Only applies to the following programmes: BA Intercultural Music and Event Management (minor), Teacher Training (Art/Music) and MA Cultural Management)
- The relevant examination registration forms will be available on our website at the beginning of the semester.
- Please complete the registration form and submit it to us via the Service Desk alongside your certificate of visiting student status (or your certificate of student status for your minor subject if you’re a regular student at the University of Jena)
- We will then send your exam registration to the respective examiners
- They will send us your results and we will collect them
2. I am a visiting student from Weimar. How can I get a transcript or overview of all credits I have earned for modules I completed in Jena? (Only applies to the following programmes: BA Intercultural Music and Event Management (minor), Teacher Training (Art/Music) and MA Cultural Management)
- Since you don’t have access to Friedolin as a visiting student, you need to submit a request to us via the ServiceDesk
- We will then send you a transcript or overview that you can submit to your university or higher education institution
3. I am a visiting student of the University Alliance Halle-Jena-Leipzig. How do I register for exams?
- Please contact your examiner or lecturer to register for your exam
- They will provide your with an assessment record or certificate of attendance
- Please make sure you submit this evidence to your university or higher education institution
1. I have a disability or chronic illness. Can I apply for academic adjustments?
- In principle, any student with a disability or chronic illness can apply for academic adjustments
- Please contact your examinations office, the Diversity Office or the Student Service Centre`s advisory service for students with disabilities or chronic illnsses de
2. Am I eligible for academic adjustments?
- In principle, any student who experiences disadvantages during their studies as a result of a disability or chronic illness can apply for academic adjustments. This includes disadvantages that do not affect their academic competence (i.e. the skills and knowledge to be assessed and demonstrated during an exam) but rather their ability to present it (e.g. articulation and presentation).
- The question of whether or not you are entitled to academic adjustments depends on many factors and must be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
3. How do I apply for academic adjustments?
- Please make sure you apply for academic adjustments as early as possible to allow enough time to examine and process your application. The General Examinations Committee will have to approve your application before any measures can be taken. This process may take a while. Please bear this in mind when you apply for adjustments.
- Please submit your application via the Service Desk (Anfrageart I Request type: Sonstiges / Allgemeine Anfrage I Other / General enquiries); please make sure you upload your application for academic adjustment as a document.
- Please also submit any relevant evidence (e.g. medical certificates, letters or reports from your doctor, medical specialist or therapist assessing your disability or condition. This evidence must include details of the diagnosis given and provide some general information on how this may impact on your studies and/or daily life.)
4. What do I need to do if my application for academic adjustment has been approved?
- Your examinations office will send you a letter with their decision.
- Once your application has been approved, please contact your relevant institutes and examiners as early as possible to discuss the exam adjustments needed to accommodate your needs. More detailed information will be included in the letter from your examinations office.
1. Is there an workshop from the ASPA?
The ASPA offers an event on the topic of exams every semester during the exam registration phase. This event is called “Fit through the exam jungle” and is announced on the ASPA homepage and is available for registration under the events in Friedolin.
The workshop will be held in German.
2. Are there gerneral counseling services at Uni Jena?
The Central Student Advisory Service offers counseling sessions on choosing a course of study, changing subject or university, problems during your studies and many other topics. Information on this can be found on the homepage “During your studies” and “Doubts about your studies”.
If students need a sympathetic ear for any problems, there is the “CampusCouch de”.
3. Does the University of Jena offer workshops?
The University of Jena offers various workshops, e.g. on methods, tips & learning strategies and health management.All events and lectures can be found in the “Studier:bar”.
4. Are there also external counseling services?
If you are looking for or need independent counseling the Psychosocial Counseling Center of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen offers a possibility.On the homepage of the Psycho-Social-Counseling CenteExternal linkr you will find an overview of the counseling services.
The Psychosocial Counseling Center also offers various group offersExternal link, e.g. to help you finish your studies or to solve problems together.