We are pleased that you have been accepted for a postdoc position at Friedrich Schiller University Jena! We wish you a good start at your institute and in the city of Jena!
Starting in another city and at another research institution shouldn't involve too much bureaucratic burden for you. Still there are a few administrative formalities that you have to deal with. We would like to help you so that the steps to take don't seem like a "jungle" to cross. On the following pages, you will find information that will help to guide you.
Being accepted for a job
The first step on your way to a postdoc position is being accepted for a position by the university. If you are still looking for an open position, you will find information here on how to apply for positions as an academic employee.
Preparing the employment contract
If you have been selected for a position, the institute where you will be working will prepare a pre-employment form („Einstellantrag“). You must sign it and return it to the institute. The Institute will then submit the form to the Division for Human Resources of Jena University. They will then contact you and inform you which documents are required for your employment. You can sign the employment contract with the Division for Human Resources after your arrival in Jena.
Visa and entry (only postdocs from non-EU countries)
If you come from a country outside the EU, the EEA or Switzerland, you must apply for a visa at the German mission abroad in your home countryExternal link.
If your stay is intended to conduct a research project, you can apply for a visa for the purpose of research. For this purpose you need a "Hosting Agreement". This will be drawn up by the Division for Human Resources after checking the requirements.
Health insurance (only postdocs from non-EU countries)
If you have an employment contract, you will be insured with a statutory health insurance provider via your employer. To do this, you may have to apply for membership of a statutory health insurance provider of your choice in advance (e.g. TKExternal link, AOKExternal link or BarmerExternal link), specifying your future employer. The health insurance provider will then send you a certificate which you submit to the Personnel Department when you sign your employment contract there.
You can get an overview of statutory health insurance in Germany hereExternal link. For international researchers, EURAXESS offers further informationExternal link on health insurance and other social security schemes in Germany.
Finding accommodation
Due to limited capacities, please make sure to find a room for your stay as early as possible. International researchers have the possibility of applying for a place in one of the three university guesthouses. Information about the guest houses can be found here.
You can find more information about "Accomodations in Jena" here.
Collecting important documents
While preparing for your stay in Germany, please gather important personal documents, including the original. An overview of these documents can be found here.
Registering your adress in Jena
For stays in Germany that are longer than three months, you are required to register your address with the city administrationExternal link within 14 days upon arrival. You will need an identity document and a confirmation from your landlord ("Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung"), which you will receive from your landlord once you sign the renting contract. For registering your address, you will need to make an appointmentExternal link.
Opening a bank account (only postdocs from abroad)
If you work at Jena University, we advise you to open a German bank account. There are many different banks in Jena where you can open an account, each with different offers, services and account management fees. To open an account, you need an identity document and the registration certificate of the city (see „Registering your address in Jena“). Non-EU citizens also need a residence permit or visa.
Signing the employment contract
Please contact the Division for Human Resources de and make an appointment to sign your employment contract and submit all documents needed. An overview and explanation of the documents to be submitted can be found here.
During the process, you might have some questions. Please do not hesitate to contact your personnel officer to clarify those in order to prevent any mistakes or misunderstandings, and to enable you a trouble-free start.
Please note: You cannot take up your employment if you have not signed your contract of employment at the Division for Human Resources yet. If not earlier, you should sign it at the day of the planned beginning of your employment. If you sign your contract of employment later, the beginning of your employment must be postponed, too.
Application for a residence permit (only postdocs from non-EU countries)
International doctoral candidates who do not come from the EU, the European Economic Area or Switzerland must apply for a residence permit at the Foreigners' Registration Office („Ausländerbehörde“). You should submit your application 12 weeks before your visa expires. The application must be submitted by email (antrag-abh@jena.de). Information on how to apply can be found hereExternal link.
All employees of Jena University can have an account with the university computer centre. This account contains:
- a university e-mail address (name@uni-jena.de)
- Wifi access at Jena university and at many university locations worldwide via Eduroam
- External access to subject-specific databases of the university network
- Access to software via the University Computer Centre
- Access to computer pools de
This account can be activated by the university's IT service after you have signed your employment contract. Therefore, please send an e-mail to itservice@uni-jena.de with your name and date of birth and ask for activation of your account.
Thoska / Campus card
The Thuringian university identity card, or thoska, is a multifunction campus card, which allows you to identify yourself as an postdoc of Jena University, use the library, photocopy or scan documents, and pay by card in the canteens and cafeterias.
You can receive the thoska from the Thoska office after signing your employment contract.
Family / Child care
There are several childcare options for postdocs with children: daycare centres, child minders, the flexible childcare centre on campus, or babysitters. If you need more information about child care in Jena, do not hesitate to contact the University's Family Office.
Qualification offers
As a postdoc, you will have the opportunity to take part in various qualification workshops and classes on various topics like writing and publishing, academic teaching, or good scientific practise. You may find all offered workshops of Graduate Academy, LehreLernen and other university institutions hereExternal link.
If you wish to receive regular updates on the latest announcements of scholarships, offers for advanced education and training or events at the University of Jena, subscribe to our information for postdocs. This information includes the postdoc newsletter which is published via e-mail about four times a year in German and English.
Please register here.
What are the issues the tutoring service can help me with?
- questions about entry and stay (visa issues, citizens' service, immigration office)
- orientation in the city and at the university (search for the right contact person)
- procedures at Jena University (admission as a doctoral candidate, enrolment, multimedia centre, computer centre, library)
- doctorate and family (finding childcare, kindergarten, school)
- issues and problems of everyday life (finding accomodation, bank accounts, insurances)
How can I contact the tutoring service?
Please write an e-mail with your issue to ga-tutor@uni-jena.de. Your contact person is Dr. Alexander Schwarzkopf.
House for Young Researchers "Zur Rosen", Room Ground floor
Johannisstraße 13
07743 Jena
Opening hours:
Monday, Wednesday:
10.00h – 12.00h
Tuesday, Thursday:
10.00h – 12.00h, 14.00h – 16.00h