Discover Jena and our campus online

Virtual discovery tours

Explore your University
Discover Jena and our campus online
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

What do the University Main Buildng or the library look like from the inside? What does the Saale city actually offer me? And what exactly can I study at Friedrich Schiller University Jena? Join us on a journey of discovery – with  many 360 degree tours or online adventure tours offered in one single app. Have fun!

Online discovery tours with free app

App Actionbound

Image: Sophie Bartholome

Our digital scavenger hunt and the free Actionbound appExternal link are great ways to discover the City of Jena, the University campus and our range of study options on your smartphone or tablet in the comfort of your own home or on the go.

We have put together different quiz and puzzle tours for you. Follow these three simple steps to get started.

Follow these three simple steps to get started

How it works:
Step 1: Download the ActionboundExternal link app on your smartphone or tablet. It is available on iOSExternal link and AndroidExternal link.
Step 2: Open the app and click on ‘scan code’.
Step 3: Scan the QR codes shown here by positioning them within the rectangle. And off you go! You can also select ‘find bound’ from the app menu and search for the keywords below.

General tours


Screenshot: Sophie Bartholome

Discover the University of Jena

You will not only discover the University of Jena and the city, but also get real insider tips that will help you through your everyday student life. And the best thing is: you can do this from the comfort of your own sofa. Have fun and get started! Scan this QR code to reveal four themed sections with quiz questions:

  1. University hot spots - where students have free access to our wi-fi network
  2. Study orientation: one step at a time to the right degree programme
  3. Leisure time and student life in Jena
  4. Back to the roots: a short trip to the University's past

[in English]


Screenshot: Carolin Lorenz

Discover Jena as a university location - a student city tour

On this tour you can explore the City of Jena - through the eyes of students! Before you start your studies, during your studies or just for the fun of it: This tour leads you through the city in an entertaining and humorous way - past classic sights and student hot spots. Can you successfully master your 'first day as a student in the city'?

[in German]


Screenshot: Sophie Bartholome

Discovering Jena for international students

This round of quizzes is aimed at explorers from all over the world. Get to know our small city better with its wonderful mix of tradition, modernity, science, technology, nature and student life. A tour through Jena and your University is hidden behind this QR code.

[in English]


Screenshot: Sophie Bartholome

Tour of University's sports facilities

Would you like to explore our UNISPORT sports facilities and get to know our diverse range of sports courses and services? Then you will enjoy this discovery tour!

[in German]


Screenshot: Sophie Bartholome

Eco-friendly city rally

This eco-friendly city rally takes you to several places in the city of Jena which offer eco-friendly transport, shopping and food. Go green!

[in English]

Discover our degree programmes


Screenshot: Sophie Bartholome

Studying geography in Jena

Would you like to do a puzzle while learning more about geography programmes at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena? If so, this is the right tour for you! You will have to find three typical geographical tools in the Institute of Geography buildings. Oh yeah… And you can save the world while you’re at it! Excitement all around!

[in German]


Screenshot: Sophie Bartholome

Studying biogeosciences in Jena

This tour will take you to another universe, where you will assist researchers and encounter magic. The whole adventure will also tell you more about studying biogeosciences in Jena. After all, biogeosciences is a really exciting subject about the world around us and makes us see things from a whole new perspective.

Join us on this journey to another universe…

[in German]


Screenshot: Sophie Bartholome

Get to know the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Accompany a postman on his adventure through the City of Jena. His job is to pick up letters for future students from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Not an easy task, it seems ... Join him and get to know the city, its special features and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

[in German]


Screenshot: Sophie Bartholome

Studying chemistry in Jena

Chemistry is like cooking and chemists must be able to cook well - that is a saying. In this bound you can prove that you are a good cook... and therefore also a good chemist!

[in German]


Screenshot: Sophie Bartholome

Studying physics in Jena

How many cookies can you fit in the Jentower? How do you fly to Mars? And what do you actually need to become a physicist? Start your first virtual day in Jena and explore the world of physics. Be curious to see who you will get to know along the way.

[in German]


Screenshot: Janett Paetz

Study sports in Jena

Sport is not just about going higher, faster and further. Sport is an attitude towards life and the access to a healthy and eventful life that offers you many opportunities. You can start a new phase of life by choosing to study sports science. Are you ready for it? Find out on this tour!

[in German]

Take a 360-degree tour of the University Main Building

What does the University Main Building look like from the inside? Fancy a little stroll? Take a walk on the kulturzuhause.deExternal link virtual platform! Click your way through the building and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. The images were taken by rooom AG in collaboration with the cultur3D innovation projectExternal link at the University of Jena / ThULB.

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Screenshot: Sophie Bartholome