Lesesaal Universitätsarchiv Jena
Bibliotheksplatz 2
07743 Jena
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Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday 10:00 a. m. -16:00 p.m.
Postal address:
07737 Jena
PD Dr.phil.habil. Stefan Gerber - Head, Archive Groups 16th century - 1850
Marcus Dudek, M. A. - Reference Service, Archive Groups 1850-1945, Private Papers
Rita Seifert, M. A.; Dipl.-Archivarin (FH) - Archive Groups 1945-1990, Collections (1990-up to now), Education
Records Centre (Accession; 1990-up to now)
Substitute: Marcus Dudek (+49 3641/9-401901)
Tel.: + 49 3641/9-401905 oder -903
Fax: + 49 3641/9-401906
Kathleen Theil, archive assistant - Staff/Student/Graduation/Doctorate Records, Statements Study Period
Theresa Schmidt, archive assistant - Bachelor and Master Records
The University Archives is supported by our assistant worker Mr. Schwede.