Inquire early about the necessary visa procedures for your host country. You can obtain information and application documents from the relevant embassies and general consulates. You can find the addresses of the embassies and consulates on the country information pages of the Federal Foreign Office at www.auswaertiges-amt.deExternal link
We strongly recommend that you take out sufficient insurance cover during your stay abroad. You need health, accident and liability insurance abroad. Make sure that you are already insured on the trip.
If you already have the necessary insurance, check whether it also covers claims abroad and whether the coverage is high enough.
Public health insurance
You need adequate health insurance coverage during your stay abroad. Depending on the type of your domestic health insurance and the length of your stay, you should also take out private insurance.
If you have statutory health insurance, you can have the European Insurance Card (EHIC) issued. It applies in all EU countries, in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland as well as in countries with which a social security agreement has been concluded. With the EHIC, you are entitled to medically necessary public health services during temporary stays abroad - at the same conditions and costs as the insured in the respective country.
Please also note the specific information provided by the authorities of your country of origin. If you are interested in a group insurance, you may visit the DAAD websiteExternal link.
There is no insurance coverage associated with the ERASMUS + grant. The sponsor (neither the EU Commission nor the DAAD Bonn) is not liable for damage resulting from illness, death, accident, injury to persons, loss or damage to objects in connection with the ERASMUS + stay abroad. It is therefore necessary that you provide adequate insurance cover for the duration of your stay abroad!
Private health insurance
Private health insurance companies usually have no Europe-wide social security agreements. Please inform yourself in good time at your responsible health insurance company about the insurance protection and the individual benefits catalog of your health insurance applicable abroad!
Supplementary insurance
Taking out private supplementary foreign health insurance, possibly including travel repatriation insurance, is optional, but advisable in some countries. A residual cost insurance is possible, for example, via the group contract with the DKV (see below).
DKV group insurance
The FSU Jena has concluded a group insurance contract with DKV Krankenversicherung AG in the field of travel health insurance abroad. This enables all students, doctoral students and professors of the FSU, as well as their relatives, to take out group travel health insurance (full and residual cost insurance) at particularly low premiums.
More information can be found here: DKV websiteExternal link.
DAAD group insurance
The DAAD offers German students, interns and scientists cheap combined health, accident and personal liability insurance for their stay abroad.
Additional information can be found hereExternal link. There you can also register for insurance directly via the DAAD portal.