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Dual Career Service

The Friedrich Schiller University Jena aims to be a family-friendly employer. Its Dual Career Service therefore supports newly arriving professors, and their partners establishing a common new centre of their lives in Jena.
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Image: FSU


The Dual Career Service can help partners of newly appointed professors to develop a strategy to continue their career paths successfully.

The Dual Career Service offers:

  • advisory services regarding career options in the region,
  • individual support in the search for a suitable job,
  • advice on the job application process,
  • bringing job seekers in contact with suitable persons.


Guiding principles

  • The Dual Career Service follows the criteria for good dual career work as formulated by the Dual Career Network Germany.
  • It is in the interest of its clients that all internal and external positions should be filled in with the best candidate available.
  • The Dual Career Service requires an active cooperation of its clients. It is them who need to convince potential employers of their qualities and competencies.
  • The Dual Career Service support their clients regularly until they have found a new job successfully. Not later than in 18 months after the first contact, the Service and its client need to meet to review their strategy and objectives. The Dual Career Service, however, cannot guarantee a successful job placement.
  • If the partner is about to work for the University, too, the position should not be a superior or a subordinated to the partner’s one to avoid conflicts of interest.
  • The Dual Career Service shall treat clients’ personal data confidentially and in accordance with the relevant data protection regulations.


Our Network

Your point of contact

Daniela Siebe, Dr
Daniela Siebe
Image: Christoph Worsch
Universitätshauptgebäude, Room 2.27B
Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link