Newly appointed professors 2019

Each year, about 30 appointment procedures are completed successfully at the University. Here, you can find all newly appointed professors at a glance.


  • Martin Ammon
    Martin Ammon
    Martin Ammon
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Professorship: Raumzeit und Materie

    Previous employer: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (Germany)

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  • Jutta Bleidorn

    Professorship: General practice

    Previous employer: Hannover Medical School (MHH; Germany)

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  • Christina Brandt

    Professorship: History and Philosophy of Natural Sciences with the emphasis on Life Sciences

    Previous employer: University of Bochum (Germany)

  • Holger Cartarius
    Holger Cartarius
    Holger Cartarius
    Image: Friedrich Moritz Eberhardt/FSU Jena

    Professorship: Physics and its Didactics

    Previous employer: University of Stuttgart (Germany)

  • Christine Czinglar

    Professorship: German as Foreign and Second Language

    Previous employer: University of Kassel (Germany)

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  • Veronika Engert
    V. Engert
    V. Engert
    Image: Max Niemann Photography

    Professorship: Social Neuroscience

    Previous employer: Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (Germany)

  • Diana Forker

    Professorship: Caucasian Studies with focus on linguistics

    Previous employer: University of Bamberg (Germany)

  • Philipp Franken

    Professorship: Molecular Phytopathology

    Previous employer: Humboldt University Berlin (Germany)

  • Petra Frehe-Halliwell
    Petra Frehe-Halliwell
    Petra Frehe-Halliwell
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Professorship: Business Educational Studies

    Previous employer: Paderborn University (Germany)

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  • Dietmar Gallistl
    Dietmar Gallistl
    Dietmar Gallistl
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Professorship: Numerical Analysis

    Previous employer: University of Twente (The Netherlands)

  • Nikolaus Gaßler
    Nikolaus Gaßler
    Nikolaus Gaßler
    Image: UKJ/Szabó

    Professorship: Pathology

    Previous employer: Braunschweig Hospital (Germany)

  • Johannes Grave
    Johannes Grave
    Johannes Grave
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Professorship: Modern Art History with focus on European Romanticism

    Previous employer: Bielefeld University (Germany)

  • Michael Habeck
    Michael Habecl
    Michael Habecl
    Image: Michael Szabó/UKJ

    Professorship: Microscopic Image Analysis

    Previous employer: Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Germany)

  • Christian Jogler
    Christian Jogler
    Christian Jogler
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Professorship: Microbial Interactions

    Previous employer: Radboud University (The Netherlands)

  • Anika Klafki
    Anika Klafki
    Anika Klafki
    Image: privat/Klafki

    Professorship: Öffentliches Recht, insb. transnationales Verwaltungsrecht

    Previous employer: Bucerius Law School (Germany)

  • Robert Kretschmer
    Robert Kretschmer
    Robert Kretschmer
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

    Professorship: Inorganic Chemistry of Catalysis

    Previous employer: University of Regensburg (Germany)

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  • Christian Kreuder-Sonnen
    Christian Kreuder-Sonnen
    Christian Kreuder-Sonnen
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Professorship: Political Science with a specialization on "International Organizations"

    Previous employer: WZB Berlin Social Science Center (Germany)

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  • Kai Lawonn
    Kai Lawonn
    Kai Lawonn
    Image: privat/Lawonn

    Professorship: Visualization and Exploratory Data Analysis

    Previous employer: University of Koblenz-Landau (Germany)

  • Viktor Leis
    Viktor Leis
    Viktor Leis
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Professorship: Databases and Information Systems

    Previous employer: Technical University of Munich (Germany)

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  • Florian Meier
    Florian Meier
    Florian Meier
    Image: Michael Szabó/UKJ

    Professorship: Functional Proteome Analysis

    Previous employer: Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (Germany) 

  • Sander Münster
    Sander Münster
    Sander Münster
    Image: privat/Michael Kretzschmar, 2019

    Professorship: Digital Humanities with a focus on Image and Object Data

    Previous employer: Technical University Dresden (Germany)

  • Hyhen Nguyen

    Professorship: Financial Economics

    Previous employer: Nottingham University (United Kingdom)

  • Manuela Nowotny
    Prof. Dr. Manuela Nowotny
    Prof. Dr. Manuela Nowotny
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Professorship: Animal physiology

    Previous employer: Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany)

  • Kai Papenfort
    Kai Papenfort
    Kai Papenfort
    Image: privat/Papenfort

    Professorship: General Micobiology

    Previous employer: LMU Munich (Germany)

  • Simon Runkel
    Simon Runkel
    Simon Runkel
    Image: privat/Runkel

    Professorship: Social Geography

    Previous employer: Heidelberg University (Germany)

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  • Thomas Scharinger
    Thomas Scharinger
    Thomas Scharinger
    Image: privat/Scharinger

    Professorship: Romance linguistics with a focus on French and Italian

    Previous employer: LMU Munich (Germany)

  • Jan Schirawski
    Jan Schirawski
    Jan Schirawski
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Professorship: Genetics

    Previous employer: RWTH Aachen University (Germany)

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  • Giancarlo Soavi
    JProf. Giancarlo Soavi
    JProf. Giancarlo Soavi

    Professorship: Experimental physics | Optics of two-dimensional solids

    Previous employer: University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)




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  • Cord Spreckelsen
    Cord Spreckelsen
    Cord Spreckelsen
    Image: Heiko Hellmann/UKJ

    Professorship: Medical Computer Science

    Previous employer: RWTH Aachen (Germany)

  • Martin Walter

    Professorship: Psychiatry

    Previous employer: University of Tübingen (Germany)

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  • Oksana Yakimova

    Professorship: Algebraic Lie-Theory

    Previous employer: University of Cologne (Germany)

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  • Sina Zarrieß
    Sina Zarrieß
    Sina Zarrieß
    Image: privat/Zarrieß

    Professorship: Digital Humanities with a focus on Machine Learning and Language Technology

    Previous employer: Bielefeldt University (Germany)

  • Julie Zedler
    Julie Zedler
    Julie Zedler
    Image: privat/Zedler

    Professorship: Synthetic biology of photosynthetic organisms

    Previous employer: University of Copenhagen (Denmark)