Welcome banner on campus

New in Jena

Welcome to the Friedrich Schiller University Jena! To make your arrival in Jena and in your new occupation easier, the University offers you a broad range of services and support.
Welcome banner on campus
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)

Every year, the President’s Office organizes a  Welcome- and Information Event for Newly appointed Professors. There you can meet your central points of contacts within the central service units. Their representatives are glad to present you the services and to answer your questions personally. At the same time, this event is a great opportunity to meet other colleagues that themselves have recently arrived to Jena and to exchange with them over coffee and snacks.

For all your questions on your new beginning in Jena, e.g. childcare, school places, or care for other relatives, the Family Office is at your service.

The Dual Career Service supports you and your partner in finding a new common centre of life in Jena. It supports you during the professional re-orientation and in searching for an adequate new job for your partner.

Once a year, the President invites all newly appointed professors for a common dinner. The dinner is a perfect opportunity to network, to exchange with others, and to give feedback on your time in Jena.

The Office for Academic Appointments would be glad to answer your questions on your appointment and the start at our university.

Your point of contact

Office for Academic Appointments

Main University Building, Room 2.25b and 2.27b
Fuerstengraben 1
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link