On 24 June, an inter-university online information event will take place on how one can be supported by the Rowena Morse Mentoring programme. First, the Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerk Gleichstellung will give general information about the mentoring programme and following this, a participant in the programme will report on her experiences.
In general, the Rowena Morse Mentoring Programme aims at helping female young researchers in the final stage of their PhD and female postdoctoral students at developing an individual career path for their postdoc phase. During the 12-month program, mentees network with each other, attend workshops for further training and receive individual advice from experienced professors at Thuringian universities in group mentoring sessions. The application deadline is 16 August 2020.
If you are interested in the online information event, please register by sending an e-mail to Sophie Reimer (sophie.reimer@eah-jena.de). The information event will be in German and take place from 17.00h to 18.00h.
Further information about the mentoring programme can be found hereExternal link.