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Degree programmes
Degree programmes
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Collage: Nadine Mrosewski
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Filter 136 degree programmes
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Bachelor (55)
Diploma (2)
Master (75)
State examination (4)
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Supplement to degree
major in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme (9)
minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme (22)
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Abbe School of Photonics (2)
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (1)
Chair of Applied Ethics / Ethics Centre (1)
Economics chairs (8)
Faculty of Arts (33)
Faculty of Biological Sciences (15)
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science (19)
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (17)
Faculty of Law (4)
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (12)
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy (7)
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences (26)
Faculty of Theology (7)
Institute for German as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Studies (2)
Institute for Religious Studies (2)
Institute of Educational Science (3)
Institute of Classics (9)
Institute of Communication Science (3)
Institute of Computer Science (5)
Institute of Education and Culture (1)
Institute of English and American Studies (2)
Institute of Geography (5)
Institute of Geosciences (5)
Institute of German Linguistics (1)
Institute of German Literature (2)
Institute of History (4)
Institute of Mathematics (5)
Institute of Microbiology (1)
Institute of Musicology Jena-Weimar (2)
Institute of Near Eastern Studies, Indo-European Studies and the Archaeology of Prehistory to the Early Middle Ages (6)
Institute of Nutritional Sciences (2)
Institute of Pharmacy (2)
Institute of Philosophy (4)
Institute of Political Science (7)
Institute of Psychology (5)
Institute of Romance Studies (4)
Institute of Slavic Studies and Caucasus Studies (8)
Institute of Sociology (4)
Institute of Sport Science (4)
Institute of Studies in Arts and Cultur (section: Cultural Anthropology/Cultural History) (3)
Institute of Studies in Arts and Culture (section Art History and Film Studies) (4)
Institutes of the Faculty of Biological Sciences (2)
Institutes of the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences (6)
Intercultural Business Communication (1)
Law chairs (1)
Medical school (4)
Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research (2)
University of Applied Sciences Jena (EAH) (1)
University of Applied Sciences Jena - Department of Industrial Engineering (1)
University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar (2)
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Start of studies
Summer semester (61)
Winter semester (136)
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Teaching language
English (16)
German (124)
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Ancient History
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Arts
Applied Computer Science
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Applied Ethics and Conflict Management
Master of Arts
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Arabic Studies
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Archaeology of Prehistory to the Early Middle Ages
Bachelor of Arts, major in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Arts
Archaeology of Prehistory to the Early Middle Ages
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Arts
Archaeology of Prehistory to the Early Middle Ages
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Art History and Film Studies
Bachelor of Arts, major in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Arts
Art History and Film Studies
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Arts
Art History and Film Studies
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Master of Science
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Master of Science
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Master of Science
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Bachelor of Science
with Numerus Clausus (NC)
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Business Administration
Master of Science
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Business Administration for Engineers and Natural Scientists
Master of Science
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Business and Economics Education
Master of Education
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Business and Economics Education
Master of Science
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Business and Languages
Bachelor of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Business Information Systems
Master of Science
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Business Mathematics
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Business Mathematics
Master of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Caucasian Studies
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Arts
Caucasus Studies
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Chemical Biology
Master of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Master of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Chemistry - Energy - Environment
Master of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Chemistry of Materials
Master of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Christianity in Culture, History, and Education
Bachelor of Arts, major in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Theology
Christianity in Culture, History, and Education
Master of Arts
Faculty of Theology
Civil Law
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Law
Classical Archaeology
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Arts
Classical Archaeology
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Communication Science
Bachelor of Arts, major in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
with Numerus Clausus (NC)
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Communication Science
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
with Numerus Clausus (NC)
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Computational and Data Science
Master of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Computer Science
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Computer Science
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Computer Science
Master of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Criminal Law
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Law
Cultural Anthropology/Cultural History
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Cultural Management
Master of Arts
state examination
with Numerus Clausus (NC)
Medical school
Earth Sciences
Master of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Master of Science
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Economics and Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Economics and Business Administration – Focus: Business Administration
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Economics and Business Administration – Focus: Business Analytics
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Economics and Business Administration – Focus: Business and Economics Education I
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Economics and Business Administration – Focus: Business and Economics Education II
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Economics and Business Administration – Focus: Business Information Systems
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Economics and Business Administration – Focus: E-Commerce & Digital Business (Business Information Systems)
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Economics and Business Administration – Focus: Economics
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Economics and Business Administration – Standard Focus
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Education Science
Bachelor of Arts, major in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Education Science
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Education Science ‐ Social Pedagogy / Social Management
Master of Arts
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Education ‐ Culture ‐ Anthropology
Master of Arts
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
English and American Studies
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Environmental and Georesources Management
Master of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Evolution, Ecology and Systematics
Master of Science
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Foundations of Christianity
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Theology
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Geography - Climate and Environmental Change
Master of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Geography - Migration, demographic change and regional development
Master of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Master of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
German as a Foreign Language ‐ German as a Second Language (International Master)
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
German Classicism in the European Context
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
German Linguistics
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Greek and Latin Philology
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
History and Politics of the 20th Century
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
History of Natural Sciences
Master of Science
Faculty of Biological Sciences
History of the Ancient World
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Human Geography
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Indo‐European Studies
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Intercultural Human Resource Development and Communication Management
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
International Organisations and Crisis Management
Master of Arts
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
state examination
Faculty of Law
Literary Translation in Theory and Practice
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Literature - Art - Culture
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Materials Science
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
Materials Sciences
Master of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Master of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Medical Photonics
Master of Science
Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Science
Medical school
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
state examination
with Numerus Clausus (NC)
Medical school
Medieval and New Latin
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Arts
Medieval Studies
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Master of Science
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Modern History
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Molecular Life Sciences
Master of Science
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Molecular Medicine
Master of Science
Medical school
Master of Arts
Nutritional Sciences
Bachelor of Science
with Numerus Clausus (NC)
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Nutritional Sciences
Master of Science
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Biological Sciences
state examination
with Numerus Clausus (NC)
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Master of Science
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
Master of Science
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
Pioneer Ministry
Master of Arts
Faculty of Theology
Political Communication
Master of Arts
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Political Science
Bachelor of Arts, major in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Political Science
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Political Science
Master of Arts
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Political Studies and Governance
Master of Arts
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Professional Writing
Master of Arts
Protestant Theology
Diploma/church board examination
Faculty of Theology
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Bachelor of Science
with Numerus Clausus (NC)
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Psychology - Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Master of Science
with Numerus Clausus (NC)
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Psychology - Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience
Master of Science
with Numerus Clausus (NC)
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Psychology - Work, Education/Development, Law and Health
Master of Science
with Numerus Clausus (NC)
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Public Law
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Law
Quantum Science and Technology
Master of Science
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
Religious Studies: World Religions in the Past and Present
Bachelor of Arts, major in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Theology
Religious Studies: World Religions in the Past and Present
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Theology
Romance Cultures in the Modern World
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Slavonic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Social Theory
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Bachelor of Arts, major in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Bachelor of Arts, minor in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Master of Arts
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Southeast European Studies
Master of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Sport Governance
Master of Arts
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Sport Science – Focus: Sport Management
Bachelor of Arts, major in a multi-subject bachelor’s programme
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Sport Science – Performance & Health
Bachelor of Science
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Sport Science: Performance & Health
Master of Science
Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
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