From 15 June until 24 June 2020 a new doctoral council (DR.FSU) and a new Board of the Academy were elected in an online election.
The new DR.FSUExternal link consists of 17 members. The council represent the interests of all doctoral candidates on all levels of the university. The period of office is 1 year each. The turnout was 11 percent.
The Board of the AcademyExternal link decides on all fundamental matters concerning the Graduate Academy and elects the Executive Committee. It consists of 10 members: 3 representatives of doctoral candidates, 1 representative of postdocs and 3 professors from the natural sciences and the humanities/social sciences each. The period of office of professors is 3 years each and of representatives of doctoral candidates and postdocs 1 year each. The turnout in the individual voting blocs was between 20 and 40 percent.
Results from the elections of the DR.FSU (pdf)
Results from the elections of the Board of the Academy (pdf)