
Office for Travel Expenses

Image: Pixabay

The Office for Travel Expenses at Friedrich Schiller University Jena is in charge of advising employees on business trips and travel expenses, accounting for business and further education trips in accordance with the Thuringian Travel Expenses Act (Thüringer Reisekostengesetz, ThürRKG), and providing travel advances. On our website, you can find information on travel requests and travel expense reports, a link to our self-service Travel Management System, and documents and further helpful information.


If you want to request a business trip or submit your travel expense report, please use the Fiori App.External link More information and help can be found on the project team's website.This link requires a loginde

Are you new to the University of Jena? We have compiled some important information on business trips and travel expenses in our Travel Expenses Manual (please refer to HanFRIEDThis link requires a login, ‘Reisekostenhandbuch’).

If you have questions or enquiries with regard to travel expenses and secondments, please use our ticketing system.External link

You can find the latest circulars and forms in HanFRIED. de

Current information

  • Business trips abroad

    For business trips abroad, the safety instructions and travel warnings of the Federal Foreign Office as well as any regulations associated with a stay in and return from abroad (e.g. testing and quarantine obligations) must be taken into account.

Contact persons

Office for Travel Expenses

JenTower, Room 14S09
Leutragraben 1
07743 Jena

Telephone hours:
09.00 Uhr – 12.00 Uhr,
14.00 Uhr – 16.00 Uhr

09.00 Uhr – 12.00 Uhr,
14.00 Uhr – 16.00 Uhr

09.00 Uhr – 12.00 Uhr

In-person meetings by appointment only

  1. Schneider, Max Head of the Office for Travel Expenses, QIS Online Travel Management System, travel account, corporate card, partner companies, appeals Division 5
  2. Küchler, Manuela Travel expense accounting for employees (domestic travel) Division 5
  3. Omnus, Madeleine Travel expense accounting for visiting researchers, students and trainees, excursions Division 5
  4. Trzewick, Paul BahnCard Business, travel expense accounting for employees (travel abroad) Division 5
  5. Kunert, Ralf Business trip approval, secondments abroad, secondment certificates Division 5