EDP manuals
The IT manuals can be purchased by members (students, staff) of our university for their own use.
LUIS (Leibniz University IT Services at the University of Hannover, formerly RRZN) offers comprehensive, easy-to-understand IT manuals for universities at favourable prices. These cover a wide range of topics in computer science and computer technology, e.g. introductions to operating systems, programming languages and standard software.
They are recommended both as course-accompanying material and for self-study.
These brochures can be purchased at the IT Service Centre (Ernst-Abbe-Platz 4, room 1209) at cost price. (Please note: It is not possible to purchase them directly from the LUIS in Hanover).
Important note:
If a large number of manuals are required at a certain time, e.g. at the beginning of the semester as accompanying material for courses, we ask the chair to notify the IT service at the URZ (Tel.: 9 404777, email: itservice@uni-jena.de) in advance (lecture-free period).
In this way, bottlenecks and delays for students can be avoided, as our stock can only be limited.
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