The accessibility requirements result from §§ 3 paragraphs 1 to 4 and 4 of BITV 2.0, which was issued on the basis of § 12d BGG.
The review of compliance with the requirements is based on an assessment carried out in March 2023 according to the legal requirements and global standards (EN 301 549, BITV 2.0).
Based on the review, the website is partially compliant with the aforementioned requirements due to the following exceptions.
The content listed below is not accessible:
- Images and graphic features do not consistently have clear alternative text.
- Not all silent videos and audios have a transcript.
- Not all videos have subtitles or audio description.
- The headline hierarchy, which can be determined programmatically, sometimes deviates from the content structure of the page.
- Some quotations are not programmematically marked as citations.
- Not all enumerations are marked as HTML lists.
- Some visible paragraphs are not marked as HTML paragraphs (p).
- Tabular data is not always labelled as a data table in HTML.
- Some form field and form group labels are not programmatically linked to the form field or form group, e.g. in the "Degree programme" section.
- When using the keyboard with arrow keys, not all content is comprehensible, such as the sub-items of the main navigation.
Few contents are only highlighted by colour, such as links.
- The contrast requirements are not always met.
- Not all content can be read completely with a view of 320 CSS pixels.
- Few functions are not accessible with the keyboard, for example in the map area.
- The order of keyboard operation is not always coherent, for example in the main navigation and in the picture gallery.
- When navigating with the keyboard, the focus is not always clearly visible, for example in the picture gallery.
- Information on other file formats such as PDF is not always included in the link text.
- Not all control elements are accessible by voice input, for example in the map area.
- Not all expressions in other languages are labelled with the help of HTML lang.
- Not all error messages are programmatically linked to the form field, such as in filter areas.
- Not all form fields have visible labels.
- Not all pages are consistently valid with regard to HTML syntax.
- Not all controls have a name, role or state that can be determined by assistive technologies (e.g. screen readers), e.g. for expandable areas.
- In the case of user-defined settings, not all functions and contents are consistently recognisable and usable.
Would you like to inform us of existing barriers or request information on implementing accessibility? Then you are welcome to contact us:
You can contact us by post or by telephone: