What is this?

Obviously, a privacy statement is about data protection. From what exactly, however, does data protection protect us? In the first place, data protection does not protect data, but rather individuals. Whether data protection may relate to control, self-determination, or even dignity concerning the information of a particular person, remains a controversialExternal link topic in research. As does the initial question, too, remain open.

This is not bad because personal data matters apparently. People might have their own examples, however, this very issue is undeniable in the digitalized world. The present privacy statement was written in the belief that the legal rights connected with personal data have as considerable importance as the digitization of our whole life-world.

One more word on the text: we are looking forward to have the text read by as many readers as possible. The text will be updated regularly (last update: 26 February 2024). For feedback and other comments, please do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer via e-mail: datenschutz@uni-jena.de.       

Another explanation of the purpose of this privacy statement can be found in section 13 of GDPR. In there, you can find the obligation of all those who process data to provide specific information. This provision is based on a basic requirement of control and self-determination to decide on and relating to one’s own data: to know it.

According to the formulation of the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht, BVerfG) in its decision on the 1983 censusExternal link, I can only control one’s data and decide on its use if I know “who, what, when, and on which occasion” someone might have learnt about me. Hence we want you to give you the knowledge which is necessary to act based on your self-determination. 

Jana Schleicher, Dr
Data protection officer
Fürstengraben 27
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link