Rila mountain range


Many other languages are influenced by the Bulgarian language.
Rila mountain range
Image: Oliver Ćurčić – pixabay

The impressive mountain range of the Balkans borders the North of Bulgaria while the Black Sea bounds the country in the South. The landscape is versatile and the language is spoken by approximately eight million people in the world. Greek and Turkish have been influenced by the Bulgarian language, which is related to Macedonian.

This can be explained by the country’s borders to the South and the West. However, loan words come from the French, the German, and English language as well. Bulgarian is written in its own variation of the Cyrillic alphabet, which is taught in the beginners’ courses.

Our Bulgarian courses are offered in co-operation with the Institute for Slavic Studies (Institut für Slawistik) of the University Jena. The Language Centre is responsible for the students’ administrative data.

You can find our current courses and all related information in the online administration system FriedolinExternal link.

Head of the Eastern European Languages Section

Dr. Daniel Karakaschew