
The Polish courses at the Language Centre are run in co-operation with the Slavic Studies Institute (Institut für SlawistikExternal link). We offer four courses of four hours (1 hour = 45 mins)/week with [H1]each course building upon the previous one. This structure quickly leads to the level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).  


Notice: To reach level B1 requires a commitment in the course. Please allow sufficient time for repetition and exercises.

You can find our current courses and all related information in the online administration system Friedolin. Here we provide a short overview.


  • Beginners’ course a – level A1

    In this course, you will learn the first simple expressions that allow you to express basic things and matters concerning your surroundings. Furthermore, you will gain an insight into Polish phonetics and its system of type system. In particular, you will practice your listening skills to understand Polish speakers. The basics of the Polish grammar are also part of the course.

  • Beginners’ Course b – level A1/A2

    In this course, you will improve the skills covered in the first course. You will increase vocabulary and range of grammatical structures, allowing you to participate actively in conversation. Content-wise, you will learn to talk and write more about your everyday life, the university, your hometown, and Poland. You will learn to understand Polish speakers better.

  • Continuation course a – level A2

    This course builds on the skills gained in the beginners’ courses. You will deepen your knowledge and broaden your register. Grammar remains a part of the course. You will be able to master many everyday situations with predictable content in Polish. The focus remains on the spoken language but also introduces more written Polish.

  • Continuation course b – level A2/B1

    This course continues the programme. The topics focus more and more on education, working life, and plans. The Polish culture is embedded in these topics. You will improve your reading and speaking skills. In this course, the focus is on speaking.

  • Courses for beginners – 2 SWS

    Depending on demand and spare capacity, we offer special courses for beginners with 2 hours per week instead of 4. Thus, one 90-minute class. These courses start in the summer semester.

    If you are interested, please contact the head of the Eastern European Languages Section.

  • Subject specific courses

    Depending on demand and spare capacity, we offer subject specific courses.
    If you are interested, please contact the head of the Eastern European Languages Section.

Head of the Eastern European Languages Section

Dr. Daniel Karakaschew