Scrabble letters forming "Career"

Career Day 2020 „PhD – What´s next?“ (online)

The Career Day will give you insights into career possibilities in academia and will offer you the opportunity to explore strategies for applications in industry
Scrabble letters forming "Career"
Image: Graduierten-Akademie (Norbert Krause)
This event is in the past.
Event details
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Types of event
FSU Doctoral Council
Lea Kvarantan Huber
Language of the event
English and German
Wheelchair access
Yes, after registration

Doctoral candidates and postdocs face at some point the question of how to shape their career after the doctoral and in the postdoc phase. During the Career Day you will gain insights into career possibilities in academia and get the opportunity to explore strategies for applications outside academia (industry and society).

The event will be held in English and German. The event is free of charge and tailored to doctoral candidates and early postdocs from all subjects at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Registration is required.

The number of participants in the workshops is limited. You can register for up to two workshops of the Career Day, please look at the scheduled time, since some workshops are held in parallel. At the latest one week before the event, we will inform you by e-mail whether you have received a place in the workshops of your choice. If there is a large number of registrations, we will randomly select the participants.

Registration is no longer possible, all available places in the workshops are booked.

Workshops 13 - 15 h

  • Bewerbung für den außerakademischen Arbeitsmarkt

    Sich zu bewerben ist eine anspruchsvolle Tätigkeit, die den wenigsten Menschen leicht fällt. Eigene Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen müssen bilanziert, mit Stellenprofilen abgeglichen und in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form kommuniziert werden. In diesem Impulsworkshop erfahren Sie, was Sie bei Bewerbungen für den außeruniversitären Arbeitsmarkt beachten sollten und wie Sie typische Fehler vermeiden können. Sie lernen, mit welchen Kompetenzen Sie punkten können und wie Sie Ihr Profil in Bewerbungsverfahren authentisch und überzeugend kommunizieren.

    Workshopleitung: Evelyn Hochheim
    Karriereberatung für Akademiker*innen

    Sprache: Deutsch

  • Funding opportunities for your postdoc years

    For institutions as a whole as well as for individual researchers, acquiring third party funding is getting more and more important. The presentation will give a short overview on the main sources of third party funding, especially on programmes for (early stage) postdocs. Additionally, a database for funding agencies and programmes will be introduced, which offers free access to all members of University Jena.

    Workshop instructor: Melanie Eichler
    Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    Service Center for Research and Transfer / Division for Research Funding

    Language: English

  • The job market in Thuringia: Career perspectives for doctoral candidates

    We warmly invite doctoral candidates and postdocs of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena to join our online workshop, where we will tackle the following questions:

    • What employment chances do you have in Thuringia?
    • How does the Thuringian employers’ landscape look like and which branches in Thuringia could be relevant for you?
    • What is specific to the Thuringian labor market?
    • Which channels can you use for your job search in Thuringia and who can support you on the way to employment?

    Let’s find responses to these and further questions, discuss challenges, ideas and solutions together!

    Workshop instructors: Anastasia Sabatkouskaya und Anne Bauer
    Thüringer Agentur Für Fachkräftegewinnung (ThAFF)

    Language: English

Workshops 15 - 17 h

  • Get connected! Networking for your next career step

    Data show that in Germany 30% of vacancies are filled through personal network contacts, while e.g. internet job portals only make up 15%. Thus having a good network really comes in handy when looking for a job! However, the importance of professional networking is often underestimated by young scientists, or it is negatively associated with e.g. favoritism.

    Some young scientists also believe that their scientific achievements and competencies speak sufficiently for themselves and networking is not required. But this way they might give away many opportunities to find an attractive and suitable position.

    This short workshop is designed to create awareness for the importance of networking for young scientists, shows best practices, and encourages the planning of own networking activities.

    Workshop instructor: Dr. Iris Köhler 
    The Scientist Coach | Karriereplanung für Promovierende und Postdocs

    Language: English

  • How to Analyze Job Ads & Estimate Your Chances

    In this seminar you will learn the meaning of typical phrases in job advertisements and identifying “must” and “can” criteria as well as the required level of experiences and knowledge fields. In a practical example we compare a CV with a job ad and discuss how much your chances of success are influenced by requirements you cannot fulfil.

    • Content and design of an application
    • Identifying key requirements in job ads
    • Estimation of chances of success
    • Discussion of suitability with a practical example

    Who is the workshop aimed at? International and German Doctoral researchers and postdocs who plan to start applying in the next 12 months and have little application experience.

    Workshop instructor: Heidi Störr
    Career Consultancy “Push Your Career”

    Language: English

  • Academic Careers in Germany: Positions, career paths, and Do's and Don'ts

    Do you want to pursue an academic career after your PhD? Do you want to know about career opportunities and long-term positions in the German academic system?

    In this workshop, you will learn about the different possibilities for long-term positions in academia. Since the main option in Germany is professorship, we will talk about routes to get there (i.e. research and teaching positions, junior research group leadership, Junior professorship and Tenure Track positions, and also habilitation or equivalent). 

    You will get information on the requirements for a professorship, the selection process  and advice on how to improve your career chances in academia. There will be room for any questions and for opinions and impressions from the subjects and disciplines of the participants.

    Workshop instructor: Dr. Hanna Kauhaus
    Friedrich Schiller University, Graduate Academy

    Language: English

Workshops 17 - 19 h

  • Agile Career Planning: How to use entrepreneurial thinking for planning your career

    Our modern world is characterized by a high degree of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Therefore, it has become hardly possible to plan careers using linear-causal logic and young scientists might ask the question: Does career “planning” even make sense anymore? How can I prepare for the next step, if I cannot predict it? Is it even worth it to put time and effort into career “planning”? The answer is yes!

    In this short workshop young scientists are introduced to the theory of “effectuation”, an approach to making decisions and performing actions in entrepreneurship processes, which can be perfectly used for career “planning”. Workshop participants learn how to apply effectual thinking to their own career plans.

    Workshop instructor: Dr. Iris Köhler 
    The Scientist Coach | Karriereplanung für Promovierende und Postdocs

    Language: English

  • How to Master a Job Interview

    In this online seminar you will get general information about your preparation for job interviews, including suitable clothing, time of arrival and research of company information. We will also discuss content & rules for your self-introduction. You learn more about the classical interview structure and get suggestions for own questions. Furthermore, you receive tips for the salary negotiation phase, typical mistakes and alternative options to substitute a lower payment.

    • Preparation for an interview
    • Tipps for your self-introduction
    • Explanation of the interview process
    • Salary negotiation strategies

    Who is the workshop aimed at? International and German Doctoral researchers and postdocs who plan to start applying in the next 12 months and have little application experience.

    Workshop instructor: Heidi Störr
    Career Consultancy “Push Your Career”

    Language: English

Technical support during the event

Support persons


If you are experiencing any problems during the Career Day you can:

Below you can also find FAQs, if there are technical issues.

FAQ about Zoom

  • I can't hear anything!

    Please go to the microphone icon in the lower left corner and click on the arrow to the right of the icon. There you will find all the speakers that are currently installed in your system. If the current speaker does not work, please switch to another speaker. You can also change the settings in the "Test Loudspeaker & Microphone" dialogue. There you can switch between the different speakers and test if you hear anything.

    If none of the speakers should work, please check your audio settings. You can see these in the Windows task bar in the lower right-hand corner beside the loudspeaker symbol. The scale should be at 100 or at least not muted.

    If this does not work either, please check that the speakers are correctly connected to your computer:

    • If you are using external speakers, they must be connected to your computer via a jack cable and also be switched on
    • If your monitor has internal speakers, they may need to be turned on separately on the monitor
  • My microphone is not working!

    You may be muted in Zoom. You can change this by clicking on the microphone icon in the lower left corner of the programme or by using the key combination "ALT+A". If a dialogue appears saying that you are not allowed to switch on your microphone, this has been forbidden by the host. For some events it is necessary to mute the microphones, because an active microphone could cause a lot of disturbance if there is a large number of participants.

    If your microphone does not work even after it has been switched on, please click on the arrow to the right of the microphone symbol. There you will find all the microphones that are currently installed in your system. If the current microphone does not work, please switch to another microphone. You can also change the settings in the dialogue "Test loudspeaker & microphone". There you can switch between different microphones and test if you hear anything.

    If no microphone should work, please check your audio settings. You can do this in the Windows task bar in the lower right corner next to the loudspeaker symbol. Right click on the loudspeaker icon and then click on "Open sound settings". You can test the settings of your microphone by clicking on " Input".

  • My video does not work!

    It is possible that your camera is not activated in Zoom yet. You can change this by clicking on the camera icon in the lower left corner of the application. If a dialog appears stating that you are not allowed to switch on your camera, this has been forbidden by the host. For some events it is necessary to deactivate the cameras, since many active cameras can cause the programme to crash in case of a large number of participants.

    If your camera does not work even after it has been switched on, this could be due to other programmes accessing the camera. The webcam can only be used by one application at a time, so make sure that all other applications that might be using the camera are currently closed.

    Click hereExternal link for more information.

  • I do not see who is speaking

    You can switch the view in Zoom by clicking on "View" in the upper right corner:

    • In the "gallery view" you can see all the people who are participating in the meeting. The person speaking is marked with a yellow frame.
    • In the ''Speaker's view'', the person who is speaking appears large in the foreground. All other people are displayed in a panel above.

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