Going abroad

We want to support your ambition to go abroad to a French speaking country. If you need to provide evidence of your language skills, to take a preparatory course, or find a contact partner, we will help you.

  • Dialang test for ERASMUS, PROMOS & DAAD

    You are going to a French speaking country and need proof of your French language skills?

    We offer a test in-house and certify your language level for study purposes and internships.

    If you have any questions, send an email to the head of the French section.

  • Language course Séjour en France

    You’re planning to go to a French speaking country, either for your studies or for an internship? You are interested in France and the habits of the French, and you would like to practise speaking French? Then this course is for you.

    You will learn about the habits of the French, revive your cultural knowledge, and prepare your language skills for your stay abroad. You will practise your listening and speaking skills in discussions. This course is entirely in French.

    You can find all information about the course in the online administration system FriedolinExternal link..

  • Franco-German Youth Office (DFJW)

    The Franco-German Youth Office (Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk/ DFJW) is an official partner of the University Jena and offers different possibilities to prepare for a stay abroad.

    If you have any questions concerning the programmes of the DFJW, the Language Centre of the University Jena has been an information point since 2018. We are happy to help you. Please consult the head of the French section.

    Learn moreExternal link
  • Further contacts

    Here, you can find more information, offers, and support: