Anmeldung / Registration


Our course application process consists of four obligatory steps. This application process applies to everyone who is interested in taking our German courses.
Anmeldung / Registration
Image: Pixabay / Myriams-Fotos

Application for our German courses is NOT POSSIBLE via the electronic course catalogue Friedolin. You DO NOT need to be enrolled at the university, the computer center, or in the electronic course catalogue Friedolin.

You can find the important dates in the block "Dates and online registration" below.

Course registration information

  • Step 1 - Online Registration

    The online registration is always obligatory for the current courses. It is NOT possible to proceed to further steps without the online registration. The online registration is required for: summer semester (April to July), intensive courses in September and for winter semester (October to February).

    The online registration takes approx. 10-15 minutes. Please fill in all required information. After a successful online registration, you will receive a confirmation of your registration via email. Please check your data carefully and pay particular attention to the correct status. If you have any questions, please first check our FAQs under “Status". You will find the link to online registration under "Dates and online registration" in the appropriate semester in the next section.

    Please note: If you experience any technical difficulties, please try another browser first. If you didn't receive a confirmation mail after the online registration, please contact us:

  • Step 2 - Written Placement Test

    The written placement test is obligatory. Without the written placement test it is NOT POSSIBLE to enrol personally and participate in our German courses (step 3).

    Exceptions: You won't need to participate in the written placement test if you are:

    Our placement test has been developed based on scientific researches and is a diagnostic tst. It is not graded, in other words, you cannot fail. It merely helps to identify your course level and offer you the most appropriate courses.

    Please note: The placement test is currently held online.

  • Step 3 - Personal Enrolment

    The Personal Enrolment is obligatory for everyone who is interested in taking our German courses (A0-C2).

    You will receive the result of your course level via email before the Personal Enrolment. The Personal Enrolment in one or more German courses takes place exclusively in the given period by email.

    After the personal enrolment, you will receive a Confirmation/Admission to your chosen courses via email with all the relevant information. After that you may attend your chosen language courses. Please note that the enrolment is binding and you will receive an invoice (see the fourth step).

  • Step 4 - Transfer of Course Fee

    You will receive an invoice for each German course you are admitted to in the third week of the lecture period. If you have questions about the payment of the course fees, please contact us via email.

    If the course fee is not paid in due time, you will lose your place in the course. More information about course fees and payments are given here.