Main courses
- Netzwerk neu A1.1 – Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-607154-3
- Netzwerk neu Intensivtrainer A1 – ISBN: 978-3-12-607158-1
- Netzwerk neu A1.2 – Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-607155-0
- Netzwerk neu Intensivtrainer A1 – ISBN: 978-3-12-607158-1
- Netzwerk neu A2.1 – Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-607162-8
- Netzwerk neu Intensivtrainer A2 – ISBN: 978-3-12-607166-6
- Netzwerk neu A2.2 – Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-607163-5
- Netzwerk neu Intensivtrainer A2 – ISBN: 978-3-12-607166-6
- Netzwerk neu B1.1 – Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-607170-3
- Netzwerk neu Intensivtrainer B1 – ISBN: 978-3-12-607174-1
- Netzwerk neu B1.2 – Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-607171-0
- Netzwerk neu Intensivtrainer B1 – ISBN: 978-3-12-607174-1
B1 plus
- Kontext B1+ express - Hybride Ausgabe allango – Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos, ISBN: 978-3-12-605374-7
- Kontext B1+ express - Intensivtrainer – ISBN: 978-3-12-605356-3
- Kontext B2.1 - Hybride Ausgabe allango – Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos, ISBN: 978-3-12-605411-9
- Kontext B2 Intensivtrainer – ISBN: 978-3-12-605345-7
- Kontext B2.2 - Hybride Ausgabe allango – Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos, ISBN: 978-3-12-605412-6
- Kontext B2 Intensivtrainer – ISBN: 978-3-12-605345-7
- Kontext C1.1 - Hybride Ausgabe allango – Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos, ISBN: 978-3-12-605313-6
- Kontext C1 Intensivtrainer – ISBN: 978-3-12-605352-5
- Kontext C1.2 - Hybride Ausgabe allango – Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos, ISBN: 978-3-12-605348-8
- Kontext C1 Intensivtrainer – ISBN: 978-3-12-605352-5
Intensive courses
A1.1 & A1.2
- DaF kompakt Neu A1 – Kurs- und Übungsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-676313-4
- A1.1: Lektion 1-4
- A1.2: Lektion 5-8
A2.1 & A2.2
- DaF kompakt Neu A2 – Kurs- und Übungsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-676314-1
- A2.1: Lektion 9-13
- A2.2: Lektion 14-18
B1.1 & B1.2
- DaF kompakt Neu B1 – Kurs- und Übungsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-676315-8
- B1.1: Lektion 19-24
- B1.2: Lektion 25-30
B1 plus
- Kompass DaF B1+ – Kurs- und Übungsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-670012-2
- Kompass DaF B2.1 – Kurs- und Übungsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-670001-6
- Kompass DaF B2.2 – Kurs- und Übungsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-670002-3
- Kompass DaF C1.1 – Kurs- und Übungsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-670007-8
- Kompass DaF C1.2 – Kurs- und Übungsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-670008-5
- DaF kompakt Neu A1 – Kurs- und Übungsbuch, ISBN: 978-3-12-676313-4
- You can watch recent music videos from Germany.
Geography and culture
Stock phrases and proverbsExternal link
Das DeutschlandlaborExternal link
- Questions concerning Germany and the Germans are answered with regard to typical German topics.
- The Goethe Institute informs about cultural aspects in Germany.
Der Superhelden-CampusExternal link
- Get trained as a work hero and fight the evil scorpion.
Die Einladung zu HochzeitExternal link
- Help organise a wedding party.
Die Stadt der WörterExternal link
- Learn your first words in German with this online game. Alone, with other players, at home or on the road.
Erste Wege in DeutschlandExternal link
- The young woman Nevin is new in Germany and has to do many things on her own: for example, she takes the bus, starts a job and makes new friends. In the videos you can see Nevin's experiences and do exercises.
Liebe auf DeutschExternal link
- You can decide how the story between a woman and two men will develop.
Undercover-Mission im KrankenhausExternal link
- Detective Miro Silvia wants to find out who stole the crown jewels.
Unsere StraßeExternal link - Deutsch lernen im Alltag
- You navigate through the streets and learn German in everyday situations.
Virtuelle EntdeckungsreiseExternal link
- Join Nevin and her friends on their way into the German job world.
Level A1 to B1
Mission BerlinExternal link (A1)
- English - German; audio and text
- Anna is on a mission: She has to prevent a disaster in Germany and in doing so she has to solve many riddles. With this exciting detective story you can learn German on the go and accompany our hero in a computer game.
Radio DExternal link (A1)
- English - German; audio and text
- With this audio language course you accompany the reporters Paula and Philipp through Germany - from Berlin to the castle of Neuschwanstein, from carnival in Cologne to Hamburg.
- All episodes also provided as podcastExternal link.
DeutschtrainerExternal link (A1-A2)
- English - German; video, audio, and text as download
- With this German trainer you can effectively learn vocabulary for everyday situations: shopping, a visit to the doctor, and flat hunting.
Radio DExternal link (A2)
- English - German; audio and text
- The reporters Paula and Philipp experience new cases all over Germany - this time also in Jena.
- All episodes also provided as PodcastExternal link.
Nicos WegExternal link (A1-B1)
- Join the young Spaniard Nico as he arrives in Germany and faces his challenges in a foreign country.
Learn German with podcastsExternal link
- audio and text
- You can listen to stories taken from real life on the go.
Harry - gefangen in der ZeitExternal link (A1-B1)
- audio, Video, interactive excercises and text as download
- Harry is on holidays and suddenly he is trapped in a time loop.
German at workExternal link (A1-B1)
- This course aims at learners of German that need German for their job or that want to work in a German speaking country. You pratice German in different situations, e.g. telephone calls or business conferences.
- There are special excercises for specific occupational fields, e.g. German in the office or German for science and technology.
Level B1 to B2
Ticket nach BerlinExternal link
- video, e-learning and text as download
- Accompany six young Germans on their journey through Germany and on their adventures.
Jojo sucht das Glück
- German telenovela
- Season 1External link: Jojo is a young Brazilian that is looking for luck in her new hometown Cologne.
- Season 2External link: What is new with Jojo and her friends?
- Season 3External link: It remains exciting: Jojo works at an event agency and encounters danger.
Das Bandtagebuch mit EINSHOCH6External link
- video, mp3, interactive excercises and text as download
- Discover Germany with HipHop and the Munich Band EINSHOCH6. Accompany the musicians to their rehearsals, in their music videos, and join their songs.
- This course aims at learners of German that need German for their job or that want to work in a German speaking country. You pratice German in different situations, e.g. telephone calls or business conferences.
- There are special excercises for specific occupational fields, e.g. German in the office or German for science and technology.
Level B2 to C2
Business GermanExternal link (B2)
- audio and text as download
- Learn everything about trading, finance, marketing and contracts.
German at workExternal link (B2-C1)
- This course aims at learners of German that need German for their job or that want to work in a German speaking country. You pratice German in different situations, e.g. telephone calls or business conferences.
- There are special excercises for specific occupational fields, e.g. German in the office or German for science and technology.
Video-ThemaExternal link (B2-C1)
- video and text as download
- You can watch videos concerning different topics and pratice your listening comprehension. With help of glossaries and excercises you can systematically expand your vocabulary.
NachrichtenExternal link (B2-C2)
- audio and text
- You can listen to the latest news from Monday to Saturday. You can read the text along while listening.
Deutsch im Alltag - AlltagsdeutschExternal link (C1-C2)
- audio and text as download
- You can listen to everyday topics and practice your reading comprehension with questions and print excercises.
SprachbarExternal link (C1-C2)
- audio and text as download
- You learn nuances of the German language via latest headlines, stock phrases, and grammar excercises.