Here you find answers to the most frequent questions we get.
Image: Pixabay / loufre
  • Registration

    In order to participate in our courses, you must register online in advance on our homepage. Course participation without prior online registration is not possible.

    You must re-register for each winter semester, summer semester and for the intensive courses in September, even if you have already attended a German course at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

    Will I receive a


    card after my course admission?

    No. Admission to a language course at the Language Centre of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena is not the basis for obtaining a student ID card (Thoska).

    You will only receive a valid student card if you enrol for a regular study programme at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

    Placement for German courses

    Placement is made either by our written placement test or by an appropriate language certificate. You can find more information on this subject under "Recognition of certificates and placement test".

  • Status

    Your personal status at the Friedrich- Schiller University of Jena is important when registering online and for the amount of course fee. Therefore, we would like to help you find the right status:

    - Student enrolled at the FSU

    You have a valid student certificate including matriculation number (You can download it in your personal account on Friedolin). This means that you are a full-time or part-time student, PhD student or guest student (DAAD, KAAK, Fulbright, Coimbra, TASSEP, ERASMUS(+) or freemover etc.) at the FSU.

    When registering online, please select the status “Student enrolled at FSU”. Then select the appropriate degree under “Degree of study programme”, e.g. Bachelor, Master, doctorate (PhD) or guest studies.

    If you are not sure if this applies to you, please contact us via email.

    - Student enrolled at another German higher education institution

    You have a valid certificate of enrolment including matriculation number from another German higher education institution. Please submit a copy of the student certificate via email after your online registration.

    Please note that students from universities outside Germany must register for a German course as a "guest".

    - Employee at the FSU

    You are working at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and have a Thoska card without a matriculation number.

    - Guest

    Please make sure that none of the above statuses apply to you. If this is the case, please register for a German course in “Guest” status. If you are not sure, please contact us via email.


    Please note: A change of your status after the start of the course is only possible in the first two weeks after the start of the lecture period and upon submission of official proof. To change your status, please send us an email. The status entry is then binding for the invoicing of the course fees.

  • Recognition of certificates and placement test

    Participation in a German course is not possible without a current language certificate or a written placement test.

    You may have already learned German in the past and received a certificate. As there are many different institutions offering language courses in different course formats and contents, we only recognise official certificates:

    • Goethe-Zertifikate marked “sehr gut” or “gut”
    • telc language certificates marked „sehr gut“ or „gut“
      • Exception: We do NOT recognise the Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer (DTZ)
    • DSH 1 and TestDaF 3 – You can join our B2.1 courses.
    • DSH 2 and TestDaF 4 – You can join our B2.2/C1.1 courses.
    • DSH 3 and TestDaF 5 – You can join our C courses.
    • ÖSD marked “sehr gut” or “gut”

    If you have any of the above which is not older than six months, you do not have to take the placement test.

    Please send your certificate after online registration to deutsch@uni-jena.de.

    If you do not have a valid certificate, have not yet attended a German course at the Language Centre or completed one of our German courses in the previous semester with a grade of 3.0 or worse, participation in a written placement test is obligatory for you.

    The written placement test determines your current course level and serves to find a suitable language course for you according to your language skills. You will receive your test result by email - it is not possible to fail the test!

    Please note: The course level from your placement test or certificate is binding, it is not possible to change to a higher course level.

  • Selection of German courses

    In principle, you can attend different language courses at the course level you have demonstrated according to your official certificate or your result in the written placement test. Please note, however, that it is not possible to combine an intensive and a basic course within one semester. Complementary courses can be taken individually or combined with Main and Intensive courses. For example, if you attend an A2.1 basic course, you may also attend the A2 Writing complementary course.

    Please note that you need to take time beyond the classroom hours for preparation and review of the work for each course. Please do not put yourself under too much pressure.

    If you only have time for a language course once a week, you can take part in our complementary courses and subject-specific courses.

    For our Main and Intensive courses, it is necessary to take part several times per week. You will need this time to learn the language efficiently.

    What do I do if I have chosen the wrong course?

    You can change courses only during the first two weeks after the course has started as long there is a good reason. Please talk to your course instructor first. They are experienced and will gladly advise you.

    If you do want to change or drop courses after consulting your course instructor, please inform us by email at deutsch@uni-jena.de and add your course instructor to the cc.

    Am I allowed to participate in both ATS courses and DaF courses?

    Yes, exchange students who are taking part in ATS courses at the Institute of German as a Foreign and Second Language and Intercultural studies are allowed to join further language courses at the Language Centre. However, the placement test for ATS courses is not valid for Language Centre German courses. Always take our placement test, if you want to join our courses.

    Please do not underestimate the academic demands and the expenditure of time for your ATS courses. The German courses of the Language Centre can serve only as a supplement to your ATS courses.

    You can gain additional credits for language courses taken at the Language Centre. Your home university may also credit these language courses in your learning agreement. 

  • Organisation of the language courses

    You can find general information about the start of courses and the respective course times on our homepage under the heading "Dates and online registration".

    How often am I allowed to miss a lesson?

    In order to learn efficiently, it is not advisable to miss lessons, except due to illness or other important reasons.

    To be allowed to take the examination at the end of the course, you

    • may be absent a maximum of three times in a complementary course or subject-specific course with 30 teaching units (UE);
    • may be absent a maximum of six times in a main course with 60 teaching units (UE);
    • are generally allowed to miss 4 full days or 12 UE in an intensive course with 60 teaching units (UE).

    Please contact your course instructor in advance and via email, if you cannot make it to the lessons.

    A refund of your course fee is only possible in the case of an illness of at least eight weeks. If you have other important reasons, please send us an email. Your case will then be considered individually and the course fee might be refunded.

    Language of instruction

    German is the language of instruction in our German courses. However, English is also used as the language of explanation and mediation, especially in the beginners' courses (up to level A2.1).

    In order to be able to follow the language lessons, you should, therefore, have at least an A2/B1 level of English.

    Teaching material

    All information about the textbooks used can be found on our homepage Material.

    You can buy the books online using the ISBN or at a book shop. For example:

    The University Jena partner book store Thalia

    Leutragraben 1

    07743 Jena

  • Prices for a language course

    You can find all information about the course fees on our homepage under Course Fees. The price or course fee depends on your personal status at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

    All payments should only be made after the receipt of the invoice, which you are expected to receive in the third week after the start of lectures. Cash payment is not possible.

  • Exams and grades

    Will I receive a certificate (Schein)?

    If you attended the language course regularly and successfully passed the examinations, you will receive a certificate of achievement/Leistungsschein (with grade and ECTS points). On it, you will find general information about the course and examination performance as well as information about the credits (ECTS points) and the grade.

    Please note that certificates are only valid within the FSU and do not replace external, standardised tests.

    If you have regularly taken part in the language course but did not pass the examinations or take them, you will receive a participation certificate (without a grade and without ECTS points).

    For Main and Intensive courses (60 teaching units - UE) you will receive 5 ECTS points. For a complementary course or a subject-specific course (30 teaching units - UE) you will receive 3 ECTS points.

    For the recorded participation in the self-learning tutorial, you will receive 1 ECTS point for 30 teaching units (due to the pandemic, this offer is not currently taking place).

    Calculation of marks


    • 1,0 = 95-100 %
    • 1,3 = 90-94 %
    • 1,7 = 85-89 %
    • 2,0 = 80-84 %
    • 2,3 = 75-79 %
    • 2,7 = 70-74 %
    • 3,0 = 65-69 %
    • 3,3 = 60-64 %
    • 3,7 = 55-59 %
    • 4,0 = 50-54 %


    • 5,0 = 0-49 %

    Overall grade

    Your overall grade in main and intensive courses is made up of the following partial grades:

    • 33.33 % course-related work (tests, homework, active participation, etc.)
    • 33.33 % oral examination at the end of the course
    • 33.33 % written examination at the end of the course

    You can find out the composition of your overall grade in complementary courses and subject-specific courses from your course instructor. If you wish to continue learning German at the Language Centre after attending a complementary course or subject-specific course, but decide to take a main or intensive course, we will always ask you to retake our written placement.

    In order to participate in a follow-up course at the next language level (main and intensive course) without a written placement test, you need an overall grade of 2.7 or better on your certificate. Otherwise. you will have to take our written placement test again.

  • Visa

    The Language Centre of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena is not responsible for any visa matters. If you have any questions about the requirements for your visa application, please contact your local Immigration Office.

    The Language Centre does not issue invitations or certificates before or after the German course to prove your participation in a language course. You will receive a Schein (certificate) upon successful participation in a German course, which you can use as confirmation for your records.

    Please note: Admission to individual language courses at the Language Centre of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena is not a basis for obtaining a student visa or a residence title for full-time students or language course participants. If you would like to study at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, please contact the International Office (IB), the Student Service Centre (SSZ) or the Master Service Centre (MSZ) of the FSU. Information on examinations for university admission can be found under international certificates.

  • Other

    Finding accommodation and rooms

    We recommend that all students look for a room in a hall of residence or private accommodation in good time. More information on the Studierendenwerk Thüringen's halls of residence can be found here.

    The Language Centre cannot assist in the search for accommodation.

    Further offers for learning German

    If you would like to improve your German independently of our language courses, you can find numerous learning materials on our homepage. In addition, you can find out about the international Stammtisch (regular social meetings) or the possibility of a language tandem outside the Language Centre at Int.RoExternal link.

    I have another question ...

    We are constantly trying to improve and expand the information we offer - and you can help us!

    Haven't found the answer? Write to us by email.