
Intel® Software Development Tools for HPC

Intel and the HPC group of the IT center of the Thuringian universities will run two Online workshops (webinars) on the Intel Software Development Tools for HPC and AI.
Image: A. Sternbeck
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Published: | By: Andre Sternbeck

General information

Image: Intel Corporation (use only for Intel events)

Intel and the HPC group of the IT Center of the Thuringian universities (www.hs-itz.deExternal link) will run two online workshops (webinars) on the efficient use of Intel Software Development Tools for High-Performance computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). We cordially invite you to participate both events this November and also welcome guests from other universities and research institutions outside Thuringia.

  • Intel HPC: The first webinar on November 11-12, 2020 will focus on the Intel Software development tools for High-Performance Computing, in particular on the various components of Intel Parallel Studio XE suites (compiler, debugger, profiler, vectorisation advisor) and the upcoming oneAPI development.

    The full programExternal link and a registration button can be found at the webinars websiteExternal link.
  • Intel AI: The second webinar on November 17, 2020 will introduce Intel's optimized tools for Artificial Intelligence such as Intel Python or other performance optimized frameworks solutions from Intel for Tensorflow, Caffe, Pytorch or the Intel MKL-DNN. Dedicated Python demos with focus on Classical Machine Learning examples and algorithms will also be given.

    The full programExternal link and a registration button can be found at the webinars websiteExternal link.

Important: Both webinars are based on Cisco Webex meetings hosted by Intel and require only a web browser to connect. To join and to receive connection details you need to register at the respective webinar (indico) site.


Wissenschafliches Rechnen | HPC
André Sternbeck, Dr
Fachberater für Hochleistungsrechnen