Interesting links
- Action Plan of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena for the Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities|CRPDpdf, 690 kb · de
- Framework Inclusion Agreement (RIV) - Rahmeninklusionsvereinbarungpdf, 1 mb · de
- Vocational Training Centre Thuringia/ Berufsförderungswerk ThüringenExternal link
- Representative for Employees with Disabilities|Representation for Employees with Disabilities de
- Thuringia Integration OfficeExternal link
- Information on equal opportunitiesExternal link
- Decree on the inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in the state service of Thuringiapdf, 2 mb · de
- Portal with comprehensive informationExternal link
- Integration agreementThis link requires a loginde
- Independent participation counsellingExternal link
- Thuringian action plan for the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities|CRPDExternal link
- Help in acute crisesExternal link
- Nest help for those affected and affiliatesExternal link
Coaching for inclusive teams
Coaching is an effective way of supporting inclusive teams.
Topics where coaching can support you are, for example- Reflection on your own professional behaviour
- Conflict and relationship management
- Team development and team issues
- Time management and self-reflection
We will be happy to advise you on the options for coaching and will find you a trainer from our pool of
experienced trainers to find a suitable coach for your specific issue.
Please note: You may need an interpreter or ombudsperson to translate the conversation for you.
Ingrid Weyrauch