
ALe funding awarded again

Panel of experts made funding decisions
Image: Wavebreak Media
  • ALe funding lines


The ALe’s panel of experts has once again awarded funding for projects to further develop teaching, for the first time also for the new funding line ‘Student Initiatives PLUS’. All applications for project funding received by the deadline of 15 September took part in a multi-stage award procedure. Three projects were selected for funding:

‘Student Initiatives’
Project Praktikumswebseite für DaF/DaZ-Studierende (‘Internship website for students of German as a foreign language / German as a second language’; Ms Huang / Mrs Rotsche, students of the Faculty of Arts).

‘Student Initiatives PLUS’
Project Klausurvorbereitungswochenende PAF 2021 (‘Exam preparation weekend PAF 2021’; Mr Schwartz, student of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy)
Project Refugee Law Clinic Jena e.V. – juristische und psychologische Supervision (‘Refugee Law Clinic Jena e.V.—legal and psychological supervision’; Ms Wollmann, student of the Faculty of Law).

More detailed information on the individual projects will be published on the ALe's page on funded projects from the end of November.

Due to the competitive procedure, many projects could not be funded. However, all applicants always contribute to the further development of teaching at our University with their projects! Our sincere thanks go to all of them!