notepad with a reminder of the nomination of candidates for the ALe

ALe Panel of Experts - Nomination Process

New panel with effect from the summer semester 2021—apply now!
notepad with a reminder of the nomination of candidates for the ALe
Image: Akademie für Lehrentwicklung
  • Academy for Teaching Development

Published: | By: Akademie für Lehrentwicklung

For the summer semester 2021, a new panel of experts will be appointed. The procedure for nominating candidates to the panel is currently under way. Would you also like to get involved in the further development of teaching at our University? Then please apply to your faculty management for being nominated to the panel of experts!

You can find more information on the nomination process and the panel of experts below.

Questions about the nomination process

  • How does the nomination and appointment process work?


    In the interest of a transparent procedure, all faculty members who meet the above requirements should be given the opportunity to stand for a seat on the panel. For this purpose, the faculties are asked by the Vice-President for Learning and Teaching to communicate the possibility of application in the faculties. At the same time, information about the nomination procedure will be provided centrally (websites of the ALe and the Service Centre for Higher Education Didactics).

    Of course, the faculty management can also propose individual candidates who, from the faculty's point of view, are particularly qualified for the work in the panel of experts due to their previous commitment to teaching.

    After receipt of all application and nomination proposals by the faculty management, the faculties are to communicate the names and documents of the candidates confirmed by the faculty council as well as a brief justification to the ALe office by 15 January 2021.
    Interested persons within the Faculty must observe the internal faculty deadlines for application.


    After receipt of the nomination proposals from the faculties, the Executive Board of the University will review the nominations and prepare a proposal for appointment of the panel.

    When preparing the proposal, the representation of the entire spectrum of subjects at the University as well as the appropriate participation of women and men are decisive criteria for the selection of the members and deputy members of the panel. 

    Finally, the members of the panel will be appointed by the President in agreement with the Senate from the summer semester of 2021.


  • For how long will the members of the new panel of experts be appointed?

    The term of office of the members is three years.

  • Is it possible to nominate current members of the panel?

    Yes, multiple terms of office for panel members are possible.

Questions about the panel of experts

  • What are the tasks of the ALe’s panel of experts?

    The task of the panel of experts is to advise the Executive Board and the decision-making bodies of our University on fundamental questions related to teaching strategy. Furthermore, the panel provides central impulses for the further development of teaching through teaching-related calls for proposals and discourse formats.

  • Who does the panel of experts consist of?

    The panel of experts is composed as follows:

    • Vice-President for Learning and Teaching,
    • 6 members from the group of university lecturers
      including a member of the Centre for Teacher Training and Educational Research,
    • 3 members from the group of teaching associates,
    • 3 members from the student body,
    • 1 member from the group of non-scientific employees.
  • What are the requirements panel members must meet?

    The members from the group of university lecturers should distinguish themselves through outstanding achievements in teaching.
    The members from the group of teaching associates should have appropriate teaching experience and distinguish themselves through outstanding teaching achievements.
    The members from the student body should show special commitment to their studies and, if possible, initial teaching experience, e.g. from tutoring activities.
    The member from the group of non-scientific employees should be involved in teaching in the area of academic support.

  • Where can I find information on the work of the panel to date?

    Auf den Internetseiten der ALe – de – finden sich umfangreiche Informationen zur bisherigen Arbeit der AeL: So sind dort z.B. sowohl eine Übersicht über bisher geförderte Lehrprojekte der ALe als auch die durch das Expertengremium erarbeitete Strategie 2025 – Lehre veröffentlicht. Detaillierte Informationen finden sich in den Berichten der ALe, die für Universitätsmitglieder abrufbar sind.

    Für persönliche Einschätzungen zur bisherigen Arbeit des Expertengremiums stehen sicher viele der aktuellen Expertengremiumsmitglieder (siehe link) zur Verfügung. Zudem können Sie sich mit Ihren Fragen Gerne an die Geschäfststelle der ALe wenden (


    The ALe’s website — — provides extensive information on the work of the ALe to date, such as an overview of ALe teaching projects that have been funded to date and the Strategy 2025—Teaching developed by the panel of experts. University members can find detailed information in the ALe’s reports.

    Many of the current panel members (see are certainly available for personal assessments of the work of the expert panel to date. You can also contact the ALe office with your questions (

Do you have further questions?

The ALe’s Director, Dr Hüfner, will of course be happy to answer your questions!

Akademie für Lehrentwicklung (ALe)

Fürstengraben 1
07743 Jena

  1. Hüfner, Katja, Dr Geschäftsführerin der ALe Vizepräsidentin für Studium und Lehre
    +49 3641 9-401210

    Fürstengraben 1
    07743 Jena

    Dr. Katja Hüfner
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)