
Draft mission statement is online

Get an impression of the draft mission statement prior to the mission statement dialogue.
Image: Christoph Worsch

Published: | By: Laura Weißert

On 16 November at 2 pm the mission statement dialogue will take place, which will be broadcast live from the Multimedia Centre of the University of Jena. The members of the Senate task force on mission statement will then present their draft text to the university public and give an insight into how it has been developed over the past months. During the live stream, members of the university have the opportunity to ask questions and take part in a short live survey.

Link to the draft mission statement

You can already get an impression of the draft mission statement – the text can be found on the mission statement dialogue website.

Take part in the mission statement survey until 12 November

There you will also find the link to the mission statement survey. Until Thursday, 12 November, you have the opportunity to actively participate in the mission statement process by answering a few questions. The focus is on how you as a university member perceive the University of Jena as a place of study and work. Where do you see strengths or potential for improvement? Which values are particularly important to you?

The results of the survey will be evaluated by the members of the Senate task force during the mission statement dialogue.

If you have any other comments or suggestions for the mission statement, please use our contact formExternal link.