A university thrives on intellectual diversity and thus on the diversity of its students, employees, guests, subjects, and areas. For a university and its members, the constructive interaction of diverse perspectives, knowledges, competences, and experiences is an invaluable enrichment as it inspires and releases innovation potential.
Appreciating and promoting individual and socio-cultural diversity, gender equality while avoiding and eliminating all forms of discrimination are guiding principles at the University of Jena.
We aim to ensure that people who are interested in studying or working with us are given full access on the basis of their talent and that all university members and affiliates are given equal opportunities to participate and develop their full potential within the possibilities and regulations of the university. We take into account legally protected characteristics as well as personal circumstances that may be difficult to reconcile with university life and promote a culture of appreciation and fairness in everyday study and work.
Diversity creates uniqueness — our personality, our team, our university.
- Diversity Days / Tage der Vielfalt 2024
- Diversity Calendar 2024 ('Charta der Vielfalt e.V.' association)External linkde
- Diversity Calender 2025 (Charta der Vielfalt e.V.)External linkde
- Fair actions—Fair speech. Use of gender-neutral language at Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- Jena Declaration—Statement against racism and racist discrimination
- Prize for Research on Right-Wing RadicalismExternal linkde
- Women in Academia—Portraits of women professors at the University of Jena
- Diversity Fund—Project funding at Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- 'Sozialheld*innen-Akademie' (Social Hero Academy)—Modern and accessible media work and training videosExternal link