Objects from the ‘Global Learning’ exhibition at the University of Jena, displaying two globes and the words ‘Diversity‘, ‘Action’, ‘World Citizen’ and ‘Justice’ on maps

Research transfer

Transfer of research results on gender and diversity
Objects from the ‘Global Learning’ exhibition at the University of Jena, displaying two globes and the words ‘Diversity‘, ‘Action’, ‘World Citizen’ and ‘Justice’ on maps
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

The University of Jena runs various initiatives promoting the transfer of diversity-related research findings. Our target groups include different stakeholders such as politics, general society, education (teacher training and schools) and research in the context of accompanying other projects.

Projects that promote diversity-related knowledge transfer 

  • Focus on age

    Ongoing projects

    Project title: Verständnis und Haltungen zur Altersvorsorge in Deutschland: Ausprägungen und Auswirkungen auf vorsorgebezogenes Verhalten (VHAlt) (2019–2022) 
    Institution: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Professorship of Public Finance
    Target group: politics
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    Completed projects

    Project title: Zukunftsmarkt 65plus (2018–2020)
    Institution: Institute of Educational Science, Professorship of Pedagogic Psychology
    Target group: graduates, senior citizens
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  • Focus on anti-discrimination

    Ongoing projects

    Project title: Thüringen Monitor (annually)
    Institution: Centre for Research on Right-Wing Extremism, Democracy Building and Social Integration (KomRex)
    Target group: Thuringian state government
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    Project title: Demokratiebildung und Praxistransfer
    Centre for Research on Right-Wing Extremism, Democracy Building and Social Integration (KomRex)
    Target group: prospective teachers
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    Project title: wissenschaftliche Begleitung des Landesprogramms gegen Rechtsextremismus Niedersachsen
    Institution: Centre for Research on Right-Wing Extremism and Social Integration (KomRex)
    Target group: Lower Saxon state government
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    Project title: Diversity Training – Diversitätsorientierung in Schule, Kita, Jugend- und Sozialarbeit (2020–2021)
    Institution: Institute of Educational Science, ‘Perspektivwechsel plus’
    Target group: Educational Science / Social Pedagogy students and students in teacher training
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    Project title: Vielfalt zusammen leben – miteinander Demokratie lernen (ViDem)
    Institution: Institute of Communication Science
    Target group: teachers , refugee educators
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    Completed projects

    Project title: Thüringen Monitor Integration (2017-2018)
    Institution: Centre for Research on Right-Wing Extremism, Democracy Building and Social Integration (KomRex)
    Target group: Thuringian state government
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  • Focus on disabilities and impairments

    Ongoing projects

    Project title: Professionalisierung von Anfang an im Jenaer Modell der Lehrerbildung (ProfJL2), Subproject 7: Inklusion systematisch implementieren (2019–2023)
    Institution: Institute of Educational Science, Professorship of Pedagogic Psychology
    Target group: prospective teachers, pupils
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    Project title: IPSY—Information and Psychosocial Competence. School-based life skills programme against substance misuse for grades 5 to 7 (2018-2022)
    Institution: Institute of Psychology—Department of Youth Research
    Target group: prospective teachers, pupils of grades 5 to 7
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    Completed projects

    Project title: Professionalisierung für kooperative Planung und Bewertung in der Inklusion (Prof-KOOP) (2018–2020)
    Institution: Institute of Educational Science, Professorship of Pedagogic Psychology
    Target group: prospective teachers, pupils

    Project title: Professionalisierung von Anfang an im Jenaer Modell der Lehrerbildung (ProfJL), Subproject 7: Fit für Inklusion  (1st project term: funding period 2015–2018)
    Institution: Institute of Educational Science, Professorship of Pedagogic Psychology
    Target group: prospective teachers, pupils 
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    Project title: Jenaer Schulen auf dem Weg zur Inklusion begleiten (2011-2018)
    Institution: Institute of Educational Science, Professorship of Pedagogic Psychology
    Target group: pupils, City of Jena
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    Project title: VorteilJena: Subproject 2: Healthy learning—Networks for Educational Transitions (2014-2018)
    Institution: Institute of Educational Science, Professorship of Pedagogic Psychology
    Target group: pupils at schools in Jena
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  • Focus on gender

    Ongoing projects

    Project title: Uns Miteinander Stärken (since 2020)
    Institution: Research Center for Religion and Eduation, Arbeitsstelle für Kultur- und Religionssensible Bildung (KuRs.B) (Centre for Education Sensitive to Culture and Religion). Learn more de
    Target group: families with immigration and migration experience whose children attend day-care centres and/or schools in Jena-Lobeda. Learn more de

    Project title: Ferien-Workshop "Physik für Schülerinnen" (2022)
    Institution: Institute of Solid State Physis, Professorship of Photonic Nonomaterials
    Target group: pupils from grade 10
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    Project title: Gender in Focus – Entwicklung von Strukturen zur systematischen Berücksichtigung von Gender- und Geschlechtsaspekten in der Forschung (2022)
    Institution: Vice-President for Research
    Target group: scientists and scholars

    Completed projects

    Project title: Transforming European Women´s Entrepreneurship: The Education and Training for Success Programme (women entrepreneurs) (2015-2019)
    Institution: Institute of Education and Culture, Professorship of Adult Education
    Target group: women entrepreneurs
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  • Focus on health

    Completed projects

    Project title: VorteilJena—Prevention Through Participation: For a Healthy Community in the Jena Region (2014-2018)
    Institution: Institute of Psychosocial Medicine, Psychotherapy and Psychooncology, Professorship of Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy
    Target group: inclusion of all social groups
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  • Focus on internationality and interculturality

    Ongoing projects

    Project title: Weltoffen miteinander arbeiten. In Thüringen. (WOM) (2019-2022)
    Institution: Professorship of Public Finance, Professorship of Economic Geography, Professorship of Intercultural Business Communication
    Target group: international skilled workers, companies in Thuringia
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    Project title: Interkulturelle Wissenskommunikation 2.0 (2016–2022)
    Institution: German as a Foreign and Second Language and Intercultural Studies, Professorship for Intercultural Business Communication
    Target group: training of mentors in organizations
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    Project title: i-work intercultural business award (since 2019)
    Institution: Professorship of Public Finance and Professorship of Economic Geography in cooperation with Jena Business Development (JenaWirtschaft)
    Target group: companies
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    Project title: Thüringer Zentrum für Interkulturelle Öffnung (since 2018)
    Institution: Institute of German as a Foreign and Second Language and Intercultural Studies, Professorship of Intercultural Business Communication
    Target group: organizations and businesses
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    Project title: Arbeitsstelle für Lehrwerkforschung und Materialentwicklung (ALM) (since 2011)
    Institution: research unit at the Institute for German as a Foreign and Second Language and Intercultural Studies
    Target group: teachers, publishers, institutes
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    Project title: JenDaF e.V. — Association for the Promotion of German as a Foreign and Second Language and Intercultural Encounters (since 1999)
    Institution: Institute of German as a Foreign and Second Language and Intercultural Studies
    Target group: language students and teachers, lecturers
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    Project title: Interculture.de e.V. (since 1995)
    Institution: Institute of German as a Foreign and Second Language and Intercultural Studies, spin-off from the Department of Intercultural Business Communication
    Target group: society, economy, politics
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    Project title: Glocal Competence – die Plattform für interkulturelles Lehren und Lernen 
    Institution: Joint project of the State Agency for Civic Education and the Department of Intercultural Business Communication (IWK) at the University of Jena
    Target group: interested public
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    Completed projects

    Project title: Hochqualifiziert, International, Thüringen (HiTH) (2016-2019)
    Institution: Professorship of Public Finance, Professorship of Economic Geography
    Target group: international students, companies
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    Project title: ‘Bilangon’ simulation game (2018-2019)
    Institution: Institute of German as a Foreign and Second Language and Intercultural Studies, Professorship of Intercultural Business Communication
    Target group: teams of students from different higher education institutions. Learn more External link

    Project title: Shared Memories and Dialogs (SHARMED) (2015-2018)
    Institution: Institute of German as a Foreign and Second Language and Intercultural Studies, Professorship of Intercultural Business Communication
    Target group: pupils
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    Project title: Interkulturalität neu denken. Konzeption einer Übungstypologie für interkulturelle Trainings (2015-2018)
    Institution: Institute of German as a Foreign and Second Language and Intercultural Studies, Professorship of Intercultural Business Communication
    Target group: intercultural training participants
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    Project title: Connect 2.0 (2015-2018)
    Institution: Institute of German as a Foreign and Second Language and Intercultural Studies, Professorship of Intercultural Business Communication
    Target group: Erasmus+ participants
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  • Focus on LGBTIQ

    Ongoing projects

    Project title: Geschlechtsinkongruenz, Geschlechtsdysphorie und Trans-Gesundheit: S3-Leitlinie zur Diagnostik, Beratung und Behandlung 
    Institution: Institute of Psychosocial Medicine, Psychotherapy and Psychooncology
    Target group: doctors, psychotherapists
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  • Focus on religion

    Ongoing projects

    Project title: Schulprogrammschriften des jüdischen höheren Schulwesens als Seismographen des kulturellen und sozialen Wandels im ‚langen 19. Jahrhundert‘
    Institution: Research Center for Religion and Education
    Target group: pupils
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    Project title: Denken und Gedenken im evangelischen Religionsunterricht
    Institution: Research Center for Religion and Education
    Target group: pupils
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    Project title: Das Thüringer Kerncurriculum
    Institution: Research Center for Religion and Education
    Target group: general and vocational schools in Thuringia
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