The photo shows a group of students on campus in front of a lawn, including men and women of different skin colors and a female student in a wheelchair.

Study orientation and studies

Promoting equal opportunities
The photo shows a group of students on campus in front of a lawn, including men and women of different skin colors and a female student in a wheelchair.
Image: Tashi-Delek, istock

News and upcoming events

  • Familie
    Image: Gustavo Fring auf Pexels
    "Young City Jena"

    Anyone visiting Jena will inevitably notice one thing: the city is young and full of ideas. In addition to the more than 20,000 students, who represent around 20 percent of all residents, it is above all young families who shape the cityscape and the vibrant atmosphere. And that is no coincidence.

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NEWS: Federal study start-up aid (Studienstarthilfe des Bundes)

Since 5th September 2024, students have been able to apply for federal study start-up aid. Students can receive a grant of 1,000 Euros to finance everything they need to start their studies. This can be, for example, a laptop, books or a deposit for accommodation. Students in particular financial need up to the age of 25 who are enrolling for full-time studies for the first time and have received specified social benefitsExternal link in the month before the start of their university studies are eligible for funding are eligible to apply.

Studienstarthilfe can only be applied for online at www.bafoeg-digital.deExternal link. The service team of the Studierendenwerk Thüringen will be happy to answer any questions you may have about study start-up support on 03641-5546390.  

Gender equality

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