The photo shows a group of students on campus in front of a lawn, including men and women of different skin colors and a female student in a wheelchair.

Study orientation and studies

Promoting equal opportunities
The photo shows a group of students on campus in front of a lawn, including men and women of different skin colors and a female student in a wheelchair.
Image: Tashi-Delek, istock

News and upcoming events

Engagement calendar
Calendar for international studies
Events and dates for University of Jena students

REALISE (Recognize mental health issuse early in Jena)

Studying is a sensitive phase for your mental health, because 75% of all mental illnesses occur before the age of 25. The REALISE project wants to help you keep an eye on your individual mental health during the semester, give you important information on the topic and scientifically investigate the mental stress of students at the University of Jena during the semester. The study is being conducted by Lehrstuhl für Klinische Psychologie der Uni Jena.

HereExternal link you can register for the study and participate in the first online survey - (only available in german).

If you see possibilities to cooperate with one of your university seminars and us, please contact the SGM-team at any time: 

Gender equality

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