The photo shows a strip collage of portraits of different people


Information, advice, management
The photo shows a strip collage of portraits of different people
Image: bowie15, istock

Social diversity describes the individual and socio-cultural diversity of people in their many facets. It takes into account both their differences and their similarities. Things held in common connect, while differences can open up new perspectives.

Friedrich Schiller University Jena strives to promote a culture in which individuals are appreciated and fair to one another in their everyday lives as students and employees. We are committed to creating the conditions for all to successfully participate and develop their full potential within university life.

In terms of educational equity and equal opportunity, those aspects of social diversity that have thus far been relatively underrepresented at the University are also given greater consideration. These include the characteristics listed in and protected by the Geneeral Equal Treatment Act as well as personal backgrounds that are difficult to reconcile with university life.